not so long ago

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Simon's POV

She stepped out in front of me and I burst out in tears. She also started to cry. All my suicidal thoughts had gone and now the bright, happy Simon had come back.

15 minutes ago I had been contemplating death but now I was happy as ever and I have now got the love of my life back.

"Don't you ever think I would leave you ever again" Talia said as I pulped her into a hug.

"I'm sorry you just ran out and left me wondering if you would ever come back" I told her.

"And please don't think about killing yourself ever again" Talia added.

"Don't run out without a reason, please I panicked" I told her.

"I thought you would hate me because I have a past with Will and he hurt you, he could have killed you" Talia said.

"I would never hate you, when I was in hospitality couldn't stop thinking about you and I was hoping that I would just die because I didn't think you would come back" I explained.

"I wouldn't ever leave you Simon, I thought it would be best if I got away for a while because I had caused you to get hurt and I didn't want to see you hurt because I would probably kill myself because I caused this. I should have told everyone sooner but I didn't think he would come to the house and hurt you" Talia said starting to cry again.

"Don't worry Talia, just forget about the whole Will thing. We can tell everyone later today so that they are all aware. Its not your fault that he can't get over you, I wouldn't be able to either, I don't think anyone would. Just forget about Will and focus on us" I told her comforting her the best I could.

"What happened to your arm, did it break again?" Talia asked.

"I don't know, I didn't listen to anything the doctor said when she came in my room. I was to busy worrying about you" I said.

"I was dine Simon, I texted Josh a few times and organised with him for a day when I could come over to see you because I didn't know when you would be home or if you were in a good condition" Talia said.

"You could have come to the hospital and stopped me from thinking about killing myself" I said.

"I know but I didn't want to have a break down in front if you because it could have affected you to" she said.

"It wouldn't have affected me, it would have made me so happy" I told her.

"I'll know that if it ever happens again. If it happens to me I would want you to see me and hopefully you don't run off. By the way I stayed round my parents for the 2 weeks" Talia said.

"At least you weren't out on the streets" I said.

"I wouldn't do that" she said.

"What are you going to do today, I can't really move so don't worry about involving me" I said.

"Honestly I don't know, I just cane to see you" she said.

"Well Freya is coming round later so you can do something with her" I said

"OK" she said

She sat down on the sofa next to me because I was taking up the whole sofa and she turned on Netflix and put on friends.

We sat there for ages watching loads of episodes of friends until we finished the whole thing. Freya had already arrived but Talia decided to stay with me.

Once friends finished I said she could leave to see Freya if she wanted but she wanted to stay with me for a but longer.

Freya ended up coming in to sew Talia and see how I was doing. She then sat with us and watched a movie with us. We didn't watch a horror movie because if I made any sudden movement I would rip the stitches in my stomach.

Josh got all the information from the doctor about me because he knew I wouldn't listen to what she was saying.

Eventually all the sidemen turned up at the house and we all watched a movie together.

We also ordered pizza and when the time was right Talia decided to tell everyone about Will.

"I have something to tell you all, some of you may know already so you already understand but for those of you who don't I will tell you what happened. A few weeks ago Simon got stabbed by Will, I have a past with Will but its not good. He used to have a crush on me and he wouldn't let me talk to anyone else" she went on and told the whole story.

"I now have a fear of loosing Simon, if Will ever tries to come near the house call the police cause he would hurt anyone of us" Talia said.

"He's such a dick head" JJ said.

"I thought he was out friend" Ethan said.

"Such a shithouse" Harry said.

"I always thought he was my friend but now I just hate him and want to kill him" I said.

"Not so long ago you wanted to die and you hoped he killed you" Josh said.

"That was when I thought I lost Talia but now she is back I have a completely different mindset" I said.

"She gives you the confidence" Ethan said.

"Must be love" JJ said.

"Thanks for ruining it JJ" Harry said.

"Why is it always you JJ" Freya said.

Talia's POV

I give Simon the confidence, I'm prevalent and benevolent at the same time. (Prevalent- predominant;powerful, confidence booster. Benevolent- well meaning;kindly, doing something for the greater good.)

I needed to help Simon now, I've got him into this mess and I need to help him out of it.

"Where are you sleeping tonight Simon?" I asked.

"If I can get upstairs then in bed but if not here" he replied.

"OK I'll stay with you if you can't get upstairs but if you can obviously I'll be there" I said.

"Thank you Talia" he said.

"No problem, I need to help you get through this because I got you in this" I said.

"Its not your fault" he said.

"But I feel like it is and the only way to make it better is to help you" I replied.

"OK" he said.

Soon everyone left because they got bored and people needed to record.

"Talia, I need to tell you something" Simon said.

"Go on" I replied.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" with that I kissed him gently because I didn't want to hurt him.

A/N thought that was a good way to end the chapter. I drunk too much alcohol today, didn't get drunk but shouldn't have had so much. The bottle was 37.5% alcohol and I'm 13, shouldn't be drinking that. My friends thought I would get drunk but I'm fine, then I went running and felt terrible. It was painful. Drink water kids, don't follow me.

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