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Simon's POV

Today was the day I got my cast off and the day of the Christmas party.

I had to wake up quite early in the morning so I could go to the hospital.

I didn't want to wake up Talia but unfortunately I did and then she wanted to come with me to the hospital because she was worried that something would go wrong.

I knew it would be fine because I have broken bones in the past and nothing has ever gone wrong.

The stab wound had also fully healed and the doctors wanted to do one last check on that just to be safe.

I didn't have much time before I needed to go so I didn't get showered but I still did everything else as normal.

Me and Talia then rushed out of the house and I drove to the hospital.

We had 10 minutes till my appointment and it was a 5 minute drive so we had enough time.

We pulled up and parked in the car park then I held Talia's hand as we walked in.

We went up to the front desk and they called my doctor down then he took me to a room where he had already prepared the tools and was ready to start.

Simon can you lay on the bed please and Talia you can sit on the chair next to him.

We both did as we were told then the doctor started.

He turned on this circular saw and started to cut through the cast and once the cast was off my arm instantly felt cold.

He then put a black splint on it just to protect it and minimize the movement whilst the bone fully heals.

It got told times I had to come for physio and dates as well then me and Talia were free to leave but something caught her eye as we walked out of the room and into reception.

She ran over to this lady and started questioning her about her dad and sister.

Talia then came over to me and she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My sister is in hospital, she went out drinking last night and got beaten up badly and didn't come home this morning. My mum found her outside of the club the went to and she was knocked out cold" Talia explained.

I hugged her tight and we walked over to the woman i assume is her mum.

"Hello Simon, you must be Talia's boyfriend. I've heard a lot about you" she said.

"Hi Mrs Mar" I replied.

"You can call me Georgia" she said.

Dunno what her actual name is

I hope everything Talia has said about me is good because I want to make a good impression.

Me and Talia decided to wait with her mum.

Talia kept telling me I could go and have fun at the party but I wanted to stay with her and make sure she was OK.

Around an hour later we were allowed to see Angele.

Talia and her mum rushed to the room and I followed behind.

They slowly entered the room and sat down, she was in a coma so they couldn't talk to her or see what happened.

There were no seats left in the room so Talia stood up and let me sit down and she sat on my lap.

I stayed with her and her mum all day just to make sure they were OK.

We missed lunch and it was now getting close to dinner so I asked them both if they wanted anything.

Talia just wanted pizza and her mum asked for the same as Talia.

I decided to go on uber eats and order them because I didn't want to leave Talia, she wasn't in a good state.

I knew her and her sister were quite close but I didn't think she ment that much to Talia.

Talia's POV

When Simon went to get the pizzas my mum started to talk to me about him.
"You know Talia, he's a keeper" she said.

"I can tell and this is the first time I have met him, he is very polite and seems like a very hard working man" she said.

"He is, I don't get how he can do all the work he does consistently" I replied.

"He's very talented and you are very lucky to have someone like him in your life" my mum said.

Simon then walked in the room with our pizzas and gave them to us and came and sat down so I sat back on his lap.

Simon stayed with us for the rest of the night and took me home at 10pm so we could get some sleep and come back the next day.

"Bye mum" I said.

"Bye" she replied.

"Bye Georgia" Simon said.

"Bye Simon" she replied.

We both hugged my mum and left so we could get some sleep.

We got into his car and drove home but when we pulled up on the drive the music from the party was still booming and everyone was still going mad.

Me and Simon walked in the house and were instantly offered a drink but we both rejected and went up to Hus room.

The music was still really loud but not as bad so we both managed to get to sleep, we cuddled up and soon we were in a deep sleep ready for another trip to the hospital the next day.

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