Chapter Sixty-Five

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A few Months later

"I love you janet"

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"I love you janet"

"Your so beautiful"

"We are going to be a family forever"

Those words keep playing in my head, after Cyn told me she was leaving I was pissed at first but now I'm okay I didn't want to argue anymore so I let go I am 7 months pregnant I'm in pain all the time. She moved out & got her own place. We are in the final stages of our divorce, the kids are sad we talked to them & told them but they don't really understand but it's okay, we have joint custody so I get them every other week. The stuff has been all over the blogs about Cyn & I. Things are just crazy right now.

I was currently at Starbucks getting some coffee I had a doctors appointment & Cyn was going to meet me at the doctors office.

"Next in line" The cashier said. I walked up & ordered, "your total is 3.94" I digging in my purse when I heard a voice.

"I got it" I turned around to see a beautiful woman

"I got it" I turned around to see a beautiful woman

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She handed the girl her card.

"You didn't have to do that" I said.

"Well I wanted to, besides it gives me an excuse to talk to a beautiful woman like you Ms. Jackson" I blushed.

"You knew it was me?"

"Yeah that voice gave it away" I laughed. We got our coffee & walked outside.

"So how far along are you?" She asked looking at my stomach.

"I'm 7 months" I rubbed my belly.

"Wow you look amazing" she smiled.

"Thank you I didn't catch your name"

"Keri Hilson"

"I love that name" I looked at the time noticing that I needed to go.

"I'm sorry but I have to I have a doctors appointment." I stood up.

"Ok it was great meeting you" she handed me her card. I walked away getting in my car. I smiled looking at her card.

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