Chapter Forty

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I flustered trying to open my eyes, the lights were bothering me

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I flustered trying to open my eyes, the lights were bothering me. I moaned in pain.

"Baby?" I heard Cyn Say I opened my eyes & Cyn was standing over me calling for the doctor.

"Doctor she's awake." My mom came over to me grabbing my hand.

"Babygirl your awake."

A few mins later

The doctor came in & Checked me & said I was fine I'll be able to go home tomorrow but I don't wanna tell Anybody who did this to me because I know Cyn is going to kill them & I don't want her to go to jail for this.

"Baby I'm so happy your awake." She kissed me softly I ran my hand thru her hair. I moaned.

"Janet Cut that out I don't wanna see this." My mother said it was just her, Joe & Michael, I pulled back from Cyn.

"Babe I'm gonna go call the kids." Cyn said walking out the room.

"Mother what was that?" I asked sitting the bed up.

"That woman is not for you Dunk." Michael Said

"Are you serious Mikey?" He nodded he's always been under mother so I'm not surprised.

"That woman is my wife & your nieces & nephew mother."

"Those kids are no kin to us." Joe lowly said.

"Get our all of you,"

"Okay Damita dont call me when she hurts you again." They all left Cyn came back in & laid in the bed with me rubbing my stomach softly.

"Babe who did this to you?" I looked away sighing

"I don't know I was asleep & I woke up to someone stabbing me & they had on all black."

"We gonna find who did this I promise."

"Who found me?"

"I did, I was coming to talk to you about us getting back together"

"Really?" She nodded kissing me deeply

I'm glad that I'm okay & my family is back together



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