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Donghae rubbed the sides of his arms with a hope of getting some warmth as the cold breeze sent shivers down his spine coming from the big glass windows of his room. His mind was fogged with so many thoughts which were more specifically his insecurities. There was something that was bothering him. His relationship with Hyukjae was like a roller coaster ride for the past couple of months. It's been two years that Donghae and Hyukjae were in relationship and it's not like they had never fought in these two years but this time it was different. It was not like their usual couple's fights. It was something that Donghae had never experienced before.

Hyukjae was unexpectedly cold towards Donghae. He would barely talk to him despite of Donghae's countless efforts. No matter how many times Donghae tried to talk to him, Hyukjae would avoid him with his unnatural cold behaviour without giving him any reason for his this kind of behaviour, which made Donghae bothersome. He was worried and couldn't comprehend all the things that were happening in their relationship. He felt vulnerable at his helplessness. He didn't know where this relationship would lead him to but there was still a tiny hope in his heart that one day everything would be normal again. One day he would get back the Hyukjae that he loved so much.

He jolted out of his own thoughts at the sound of the door slamming. Donghae got up from his bed and walked past the room as he expected it to be Hyukjae but what he saw there was beyond his imagination. He froze in the spot, eyes widening at the sight of Hyukjae grabbing a girl roughly and forcefully towards his room.
The girl did her best to get rid of his grasp but she was too powerless against Hyukjae's solid body. Donghae gulped hard as his mind was clouded with so many questions to which only Hyukjae could answer. "Who's she?" Donghae asked, nervousness evident in his weak voice. Hyukjae remained silent which made Donghae more nervous. His heart was thumping against his chest ferociously. There was a glimmer of fear on his face as if he was afraid to hear Hyukjae's answer. Hyukjae stood still with a stern face. Donghae searched for answer in his face but he couldn't find any. "I asked you something Hyukjae. Answer me who is she?" He demanded, holding back his tears, taking few steps towards them. Still there was no response. Hyukjae reflected no emotion on his angular face. "Help me... Pl-please..." The girl mumbled inbetween her soft sobs. Donghae tilted his head down to the girl standing next to Hyukjae, her hands in his. Her eyes were red and swollen and tears repeatedly streaming down her already stained cheeks. She looked directly into Donghae's eyes pleadingly. There was helplessness and vulnerability in her eyes. Her face was pale and reflecting sadness. "Please..." She begged in a low voice never breaking her eye contact with Donghae. There was something unreadable in her gaze. Something that made Donghae's heart clenched.

Before he could do anything Hyukjae pulled her by arms dragging her towards his room forcefully without even glancing back at Donghae and slammed the door behind him, leaving Donghae completely alone there.

Donghae kept looking at the closed door of the room blankly as hot drops of tears rolled down his cheeks. "What just happened?" He whispered to himself and fell down to the floor on his knees.

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