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The next few days went very uneventful and Rheanna had been living in Donghae's room as he would spend most of the time outside. He would come home late at night just to sleep on the couch and would leave before she would wake up in the morning.

Rheanna's POV:

I woke up and found myself in a familiar room which wasn't Donghae's. The room was filled with the smell of freshly baked vanila cake and I followed the scent to know where it was coming from. Soon I came to the hall and my eyes landed on the cake placed on the dinning table. Without any hesitation I moved forward and took a bite of it and moaned with satisfaction at it's sweetness. I knew the taste. It was exactly like the cake my mom used to bake for me whenever I was sad.

"Do you like it?" I was interrupted by the voice behind me which I was dying to hear for so long and it was none other than her. "Mom!" I exclaimed turning around to face the person and my eyes floated with tears as I saw her standing right before me. She hadn't changed a bit. She was beautiful with an angelic smile on her adorable face. I crashed my body to her as I hugged her as tight as possible. "I am here baby." She whispered caressing my head soothingly and I shut my eyes in relief. "It is.... surreal." I stammered as a soft sob escaped from my mouth. She pulled me away from her body and lifted my chin up with her slightly wrinkled fingers. "You are doing great sweetheart." She said looking down at me giving a small smile. "No.... I am not.... I- Dad hates me mom.... He is doing his best to make my life a living hell and......" I paused at the sudden pang of pain in my chest as I realised the words I was about to tell her next. How was I going to tell her that her husband gave away his own daughter to a monster and was.... raped by him? And I wanted nothing but to end my life in any way possible. "Without you it's too hard for me....I am living a life that you never wished for me to live and I can't do this anymore. I don't wanna live mom.... Take me with you..." I sobbed holding her tightly in my arms. 

"I know Rheanna." She spoke softly. "Life doesn't give us what exactly we wish for ourselves..... Your father and I were never on good terms. But I am still grateful to him for the precious gifts he has given me." She mumbled stroking my hair softly with her hands. "And what is it mom?" I asked pulling away from her giving her a confused look. She looked at me for brief seconds before pulling out the silver pendant and handed it over to me. I opened it and looked at the picture of me, Rebecca and my mother nonchalantly.

"You two are my precious gifts." She answered taking my hand in her and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"At some point of my life, I too had lost all my urge to live but then you came. Holding your tiny body in my arms gave me hope to live, to be happy for someone. You and Rebecca were the reason that I didn't gave up on life." She spoke proudly. "I found my reasons to live, now you find yours." she uttered taking my face inbetween her palms. "Don't give up Rheanna... Life won't be easy on you but you have to be strong." She whispered placing a light kiss on my forehead and I shut my eyes tight getting relaxed having her around me.  But soon it all faded away when I opened my eyes. She was gone. "Don't leave me again.... I- I need you..." I cried breathlessly as I clutched to the pendent tightly.

"Rhea!" Then I heard the voice that I never wanted to hear for the rest of my life. Without thinking much I started running aimlessly not knowing where it was coming from. "He has found me mom." I whispered to myself as I kept running towards a room. Soon my body came to a halt abruptly as I kept looking over my shoulder to see if my father, the person I was running away from, was chasing me but there was no one. "Running away from your father doll face!" I panicked at another familiar voice which was the biggest nightmare of my life and my body began to tremble when I dared to look at the person standing in front of me like a mountain. I immediately regretted my decision of looking at his face when my eyes met with his dark demonic ones which were filled with nothing but wrath and hate. It was Hyukjae. I felt my blood getting all dry when he moved towards me and I looked at him with wide eyes in horror. "Run as far as you can but.... You can never get away with me. I'll get you doll face." My heart was thumping rhythmlessly when he leaned closer to my face looking directly into my eyes. An evil smirk danced on his lips when he saw me shuddering like a frozen puppy under his gaze. And that's when it reminded me of all the things that he had put me through, how he abused me and put me like a prisoner against my will. "You're mine." He declared huskily and I opened my eyes wide realising that it was another tale of my nightmares.

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