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Donghae's POV:

"Donghae!" A small smile crept up my face in no time when a familiar voice softly whispered in my ear. I lazily threw my arms around the body hovering above mine and soon they were linked with the mussy yet soft hair of the person above me. Opening my eyes, I found a face laced with a mischievous yet beautiful gummy smile which did nothing but brightened up my entire existence with it's mere presence before my eyes. Morning couldn't get any better, I thought to myself when his face inched towards me and ceased right before my desperate lips which were now aching to be tasted by him. "Good morning, Lovebird!" His thick and husky voice echoed like a music in my ears and my breath got hitched when those words vibrated on my overly sensitive lips. A small gasp left my mouth when I felt him gripping my bare waist in his warm hold and I stopped caring about anything anymore when his plump lips finally met mine taking all of my desperation away. The kiss was gentle and sweet yet passionate enough to set my heart on fire as our lips moved lingeringly against eachother in utter desire. As usual, the undeniable hunger and lust for eachother's love was there but we had to pull apart in order to breathe in some air.

"I'll be late for work." I moaned submissively as my body contradicted  my words when I felt Hyukjae's soft lips leaving a trail of wet kisses all over my stretched neck, giving him more room to devour my skin. "I' m not buying it." The older groaned as he continued his mischievous work upon my body. My fingers spontaneously found their way upto the back of his head and clung in to the thickish hair there, making him to bring his head back up to mine. His breath was heavy and unsteady and so was mine. "I missed waking up next to you." He uttered resting his temple upon mine and I closed my eyes when his uneven breath fanned my wet and trembling lips. "Me too, Hyukie." I whimpered as my fingers traced the shape of his mildly built abs on his chest. I watched him carefully when his eyes closed as a response to my touch and his grip on me began to loose as he melted under my fingers. I took this chance to free myself as I pushed him enough to cause him fall back next to me on the bed and I rushed to the bathroom sparing him one last glance. "I will make you pay for this one, Lee Donghae." I heard him sulking as I locked the door behind me and I couldn't help but chuckled at the cuteness of the love of my life.

After spending a good amount of time under the shower, I finally, came out of the bathroom and to my surprise Hyukjae wasn't there in the room. But, there was someone else lying down on my bed. I, being dazed, moved towards the bed and my breath got heavy when I discerned the figure lying on my bed and it was a girl. I scanned the room once again but there was no one and I couldn't understand how a girl came into my house and what the hell she was doing on my bed. It wasn't making any sense to me at all and I hesitantly extended my arms to her in order to know who she was. Her body was motionless and my eyes swelled in horror when I turned her over to see her face. "R-Rheanna!" I panted hard as I flinched away in dreadfulness when my eyes landed on her blood covered face and a stream of blood was pouring out of her slitted throat. 

I got my reality checked as soon as my eyes were opened in terror. My forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat as I realised it was just another tale of my nightmares. But it felt so real and my breath was still unstable. I couldn't help but felt like choked up when I recalled my dream and those horrific images of Rheanna flashed in my mind. It was a dream but as a matter of fact, Rheanna was still in danger and my horrendous nightmares of her being slaughtered didn't not bring me any peace at all. The uneasiness in my body started to grow when I couldn't move my arms and that was because they were tied up to the headboard of the bed I was currently lying on. A series of low grunts left my mouth at the unsuccessful attempts of me getting rid of the knots which were caging my wrists completely. Being defeated, I slammed my head against the headboard as I was settled in a half seated manner. But like hell I would give up now. Every person that I had trusted and loved, they betrayed me in the worst way possible. I knew how painful it was to be backstabbed by the ones whom you once loved with all your heart and trusted with your whole life. In no way I was willing Rheanna to suffer that pain. Not after all the anguishes she had been through. I couldn't fail her, I wouldn't let her down with the faith she had in me. I wouldn't cause her the pain of betrayal and let her suffer from the same pain which I did. I wouldn't let Hyukjae get away without a fight. I would fight for her and that was the least I could do for her. My breathing got deeper as I started to bang my tied up hands against the headboard and the sound of the board  being dashed against the wall filled the empty room but that wasn't enough to set me free. I felt my arms burning as blood made it's way out of my wrists but I wasn't anywhere to stop. My hands began to feel numb as I started to bash them more violently causing more bruises to my already wounded wrists.

"Stop. You are only worsening your condition." A voice was heard as Sam entered the room through the door. Anger wasn't a strong enough word to express how exactly I felt to see him again and it was a pity that my hands were tied up and he was still standing before me. "I think we should talk." He spoke with a slight guilt in his tone. "Set me free and my hands will be enough for you to do all the talking." I seethed lowly and he was taken aback at my guts. "I have my reasons." He tried to reason out but I shut him up soon. "Just shut the fuck up.... You, out of all people had to deceive me this way!" I choked up on my own words and he looked down to the floor, avoiding my gaze. "You knew all of this... about Hyukjae, didn't you? I- I trusted you, we were like brothers since our childhood and this is how you repay me?" I grilled avoiding all the guilts he was showing on his face when re raised his head. "You think I wanted to do this?... I- I wasn't left with any other option." He retorted as he wiped his sweat covered forehead. I remained silent and kept looking at him impassively. He understood my silence and continued to explain himself further.
"Hyukjae has Zack." He uttered and I was mixed up hearing that. "What?" I asked in bewilderment. "Hyukjae has my younger brother, Zack." He repeated himself coming closer and stood near to me. "I don't understand...why he has Zack? What does Zack has to do with this?" I questioned in pure confusion cause I really didn't get why Hyukjae had Zack with himself. "Neither did I have to do anything with this but, now, I do. " He delivered the words in such a deadpan voice that it was evident how serious he was.

"He promised me that he wouldn't hurt Zack even agreed to give him back, only if, I bring Rheanna to him." He explained his situation bringing out some grainy pictures of his 13 years old brother from his pocket and threw them on my lap to see. "Hyukjae sent me those pictures of zack on the other night, the night before the day on which you threw Rheanna out of your house even told me to take her far from you and you made my work even easier, Donghae..... That's when I brought her back here and I will get zack back soon." He rationalised unashamedly and his last sentence caught my attention. "What do you mean by you brought her here?" I interrogated, nervousness evident in my cracked voice. "Is Rheanna here?" I asked desperately and his silence only fuelled my desperation. "Answer me for god sake!" I screamed as I began to  bash my tied hands again. "Where am I, Sam? Where is she? What did you do to her?" I roared as my body was burring with pure rage.

"Zack is my only family member and I will not loose him at any cost." He clarified the finality of his words and I watched him walking out of the room without giving me any answer.

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