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Quick note: Hi everyone. This is my first time writing and publishing a story. I am so sorry for not updating lately as I was having my exams and didn't really feel like writing. Thank you for giving my ff a try and I know that I lack skills but still I am trying to give my best. Thank you for your precious time, love and support. I hope you will enjoy reading this chapter and don't forget to share your thoughts on it :) <3

Adrenaline rushed through her body when she felt Hyukjae getting closer to her, tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. "You didn't answer me love bird." He exclaimed looking straight into Donghae who was standing there with a blank look on his face. "Now I'm the one who's required to answer you!" He stammered. A small chuckle escaped from Hyukjae. "Well another time Lee Donghae. I'm not here for you... I think we've some unfinished business baby girl." He proclaimed, tilting his head back to the girl. "Are you coming with me angel face?" She started to squirm in uneasiness as soon as Hyukjae grabbed her wrist. "I won't be taking a 'no' as an answer. So you're coming with me." He stated showing one of his best smiles.

"She isn't going anywhere." Donghae announced standing in front of Hyukjae crossing his arms over his well built chest. "Seems like someone's mad that his part of attention is given to someone else." Hyukjae asserted getting closer to Donghae. "Be a good boy & don't come in my way Lovebird and I promise I will give you reward, else I will make you regret for your not so necessary bravery." He purred leaning down to his ear. "Bold of you to assume that I'm not regretting already." Donghae replied. " I regret each and every moment that I spent with you." He said putting emphasis on each word. "You can't make me more regretful." He said sternly making Hyukjae amuse humourlessly. "I would have played with you if I didn't have other important things to do Lovebird. Now please excuse us." He blurted out pushing Donghae away from his way.
He drew forward pulling the girl with him but stopped as soon as Donghae held her other hand. "Don't test me Lee Donghae." Hyukjae warned with a raspy voice. "I think you have heard me earlier. SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU." He groaned facing Hyukjae, tightening his grip around her wrist. "You don't have any idea what I can do if you keep coming in my way. So stay away and be grateful while I am being nice with you." Hyukjae grunted and his eyes grew darker with rage. "Says who? The person who's playing with three lives! I never wished for this Lee Hyukjae. It's you who started all this shit & I am not interested in whatever game you're playing. I don't even need your fucking reasons behind all of these and for your information it's my house Hyukjae. Don't forget that. You just can't break into my house as you please and boss me around. Get out while I am being nice to you, else I have my own ways to get you out of here." An unamused laugh escaped from Hyukjae. "Wow! that was a long ass speech Lovebird. You were never good at it before. Where did you learn from?" He asked as if he was really curious to know. But Donghae didn't budge to answer. "But don't you think you're a bit over dramatic? Like I am here to take my thing but you're the one who's not letting me to do so. So who's the problematic one here baby?" Hyukjae questioned innocently. "First of all she's not a thing and you can't take her forcefully without her consent." Donghae emitted. "It doesn't matter. She's coming with me." Hyukjae declared and started grabbing her harshly by her arms. "Take one step further and I will be calling the cops." Donghae warned bringing out his phone from his pocket. Hyukjae ceased stepping forward and moved backward to face Donghae, taking his hands away from her. Soon the whole room was covered with silence as the two young men stood still, exchanging meaningful glares with each other. "Wrong move Lovebird. You know that I hate it when things don't go my way..... I am going for now & I will make sure that what's mine will remain mine." Hyukjae uttered breaking the silence between them. "And you little slut.... You have to pay for all of these." He threatened bending down to her which made her tremble in fear than she already was. "We will have another quality moment soon. Till then keep missing me Lovebird." He left not before glinting a suspicious look towards them for the last time with an evil smirk.

The girl exhaled a long breath in relief as soon as he left. "Be ready by 8 in the morning. You're going your home." She angled her face towards Donghae in bewilderment as soon as he spoke. "Don't look at me like that. You just can't expect me to keep you here! And you're not even telling me the truth..." He paused for a moment and then started. "Anyways it doesn't matter anymore. I am so done with whatever drama you two are trying to pull...." He sighed deeply rubbing his eyes with the back of his palms. "For now, you can sleep in my room ." He stated apathetically and left the room taking a pillow and blanket with him.

"Home!" The girl mumbled as fresh drops of tears rolled down her lusterless cheeks.

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