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"Hyukjae stop" Donghae giggled as Hyukjae kept trailing butterfly kisses on his flat belly. "Do you really want me to stop baby?" Hyukjae asked huskily,  his eyes glistening with mischief. He moved upwards and stopped when his face was inches away from Donghae's. He pinned his lover's hands over his head making it almost impossible for him to move. "You know that you can't resist me right!"  Hyukjae whispered seductively in Donghae's ear, giving it a gentle bite on his earlobe. Donghae shuddered at this sudden sensation. "And how are you so sure of that Hyukjae?" His breath almost hitched as Hyukjae started peppering his jawline with light kisses and sucked at it occasionally. "You know baby you should see yourself in mirror whenever I touch or kiss you. You will get your answer." Hyukjae chukled. "I hate you Hyukjae. I hate it how you have that much power on me." Donghae complained giving his signature pout. A small laugh escaped from Hyukjae seeing the adorable side of his lover. "Awww I can't wait our babies to pout like that. You know we have a long night and we can make triplets in one go." Hyukjae smirked making Donghae blush hard and he slapped his arms amusingly. "What?? I am planning to have my own baseball team with you and what's wrong with that?" Hyukjae chukled when Donghae pulled the blanket over his body to cover his face which was burning red in embarrassment.

"But I really wanna see Titanic Hyukjae." Donghae said softly. "No. No. No. We keep watching that Titanic shit for 2 consecutive weeks. Can you believe it? It was two fucking weeks Donghae!!!" Hyukjae snapped annoyingly crossing his arms over his chest. "Baby please this is the last time. I promise I will not force you to watch it with me for the next two days." Donghae uttered getting closer to Hyukjae, his eyes glistening with hope. "So you are telling me I have to be tortured again after 48 hours?" Hyukjae asked and Donghae nodded innocently at him. "Please baby... it with me... please" Donghae pleaded with puppy eyes which Hyukjae couldn't resist. "You're unbelievable Lee Donghae." Hyukjae admitted in defeat. So you are watching it with me!" Donghae exclaimed almost jumping at Hyukjae wrapping his arms around his slim waist in happiness. "Don't flatter yourself Lee Donghae. It's just for one last time." Hyukjae said in a voice as if he was giving him warning. "Whatever you're watching it with me again after two days anyway." Donghae chuckled. "What should I do with you Donghae? You're making me do things that I would never agree to." Hyukjae sighed hugging back Donghae. "Just keep loving me Hyukjae. That's all I want." Donghae mumbled softly lifting his head up to look into Hyukjae's eyes which Hyukjae took as an opportunity to peck his delicate lips.

Time flew very fast. Donghae kept remembering the good days that he got to share with Hyukjae, the only man he loved for the past years. Ofcourse there were bad ones too but in the end of the day they both had eachother to lean on. What made us so distant? Donghae questioned himself. I knew things were getting difficult between us but I never thought it would be this worse. Tears started to form in his crystal eyes as the sight of Hyukjae with another girl dance before his eyes. He ran his hand through his dark messy hair as he sighed deeply. It was all too much for him to process. Why did he do this to me? He could have talked to me. I was ready to do anything to make everything normal between us as it used to be. "Why Hyukjae? Why?...." Donghae cursed under his breath looking down to the cold marble floor.

The door flew open which made Donghae to look upwards. He blinked away the tears blocking his vision just to see Hyukjae coming out of the room buckling up his belt.  Donghae eyes grew wider in disbelief. His heart shattered at the very thought of what could have happened in the closed room. "No... No... No... It can't be... No..."  

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