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Donghae's POV:

"It's still not over yet, Lovebird.....and it will never be." Hyukjae breathed out in my ears. I could feel him smirking on my skin which made me jerk in absolute abomination. I didn't know how but I was hovering over him now on the cold floor. I grabbed him by his collar and my grip was getting tightened as he kept that annoying smirk plastered on his face. "What are you up to, Hyukjae?" I asked in a loathful manner. "Just kiss me already, Lovebird. Not gonna lie but all of your little exaggerating dramas don't entertain me anymore." He chuckled throwing his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to his face. "Kiss me." He whispered, pulling my hair roughly in his fists. Shivers roused across my body but it wasn't out of excitement or nervousness I used to get from his touch, affection or  whatever you name it. It was something that was completely an outcome of pure rage and disgust. I shook his hands away from me and he started to laugh hysterically when I got off of him.

"Bummer." He muttered in between his devilish laughs and I just stood their dumbfounded. He was getting worse than the last time I remembered and I thought that I could change him. It was hard for me to shallow the fact  that I was madly in love with him who did nothing but kept playing with my heart for all this time. My eyes followed him when he stood up and started to wander around my room which was used to be ours. He took a close look at all the stuff in the room as if he was trying to observe everything. Then, he slowly moved towards to the closet and without my permission he opened it dramatically. After rummaging through my clothes, he turned his head back to me and pouted at me as if he was disappointed.

"Where are my clothes?" He questioned and started to walk to the table nearby.  "Did you throw them away?" He asked holding the photo frame in his grip, which he took from the table, and unfortunately, it was a picture of me and him. "Yes, and I will not hesitate to do the same if you don't leave my house in 5 minutes."
I said nonchalantly as if I weren't bothered by his presence.
"Why do you still have this?" He asked being curious and I started to step backward when he walked to me with the photo frame in his grip. "Seems like you forgot to throw this out." He smirked hanging the frame in front of my face as he enjoyed my nervousness. "Or may be you never wanted to." His voice intensified as I could sense the confidence radiating from his words. "I still live in that little head of yours. Don't I?" He sneered and I could tell that he was enjoying every little bit of it. But I didn't. He turned around and walked away and I let my breath out that I kept holding in till now.

"Interesting." He breathed out delineating the mattress of my bed with the back of his fingers and out of nowhere, he lied down on it. "We took this picture last new year, right after watching the sunrise together. Do you remeber?" He asked enthusiastically looking at the picture which made me more sick. What did he actually want? "Cut the bullshit and get the fuck out of my house." I steamed. "I think you gave me five minutes so, I guess I still do have few more minutes to have a great time with you. Now care to join me in the bed!" He suggested patting the mattress right next to him and I rolled my eyes at his absurdity and was about to leave the room but then I heard him saying something which made me stop on my track right away.

"Did you fuck her?" He questioned out of the blue, tilting his face in my direction and that was all I needed to hear to lose my mind and the little control I had over my anger. I didn't even bother to think twice about my action cause the next thing I knew, I hurtled towards him and jumped on him, sitting on his lower part of his body and then he showed me his most annoying smirk that I hated so much. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I fumed enunciating each word, grabbing him by his collar. "What if I don't?" He grimaced looking straight into my eyes. "You better don't taste my patience." I groaned lowering my face to his. "Did she squeeze you tight? I enjoyed it when I first-" I did not even let him finish as I punched him hard on his face and the satisfaction I got was beyond any words. My anger took control over my body and I lost my  sanity completely but I didn't regret it. He deserved every bit of it. The last thing I wanted to hear was this piece of shit disrespecting Rihanna. I grabbed him by the collar once again and threw him down from the bed and he landed on the floor making a loud thud sound. "Don't talk about her." I warned him, standing next to his limp body. His eyes were swollen, blood smearing out of the corner of his parted lips but it was nothing to stop him from laughing devilishly. "I was expecting something like that. But you hitted me real hard. It hurts." He spoke as he tried to wipe off the blood across his lips. "I dare you to say that again and I will leave you with no tongue to talk anymore." I roared and was ready to punch him again when he stood up from the floor  and laughed at me in a taunting way. "Did you talk to your best friend, what's his name?.... Sam, right?" He blurted out while dusting off his shirt.
"Why are you talking about Sam all of a sudden now?" I asked getting nervous than ever before. "Don't you think it's fishy how he left for Thailand right after you kicked out Rihanna and he never even tried to contact you?" He asserted while walking in a circle around me. My heartbeats sped up cause all Hyukjae was saying ,somehow made sense for the first time. Sam had never tried to contact me since then and not even replied to any of my messages. But the fact that Hyukjae talking about Sam would never sound normal to me. Something is going on. "What do you want to say?" I grilled as my fists tightened on their own out of fear. Suddenly, he stopped moving around me. "Don't you wanna know where is your fragile girl now? Or how's she doing? Or blah blah blah?" He articulated in a manner which dropped my heart on fire and I forgot to breath when I heard him talking about her. Suddenly, he slid his hand inside one of his pockets and dramatically brought something out of it. My body shivered and I couldn't blink for unknown seconds as my mind took it's time to apprehend what actually is going on when he swayed the pendant, which was clearly Rihanna's, before my face. "Now don't tell me you don't understand what I am trying to tell you. It's exactly what you're thinking.... How do you like my surprise, Lovebird?" He whispered in my ears and I felt like my soul leaving my body when I finally registered his words.

Why did I even dare to think that everything would be normal? That I would make everything work between us. That I would forgive Hyukjae when he never asked for it in the first place. The tiniest bit of hope that was left inside me was lost now. What had he become? And most importantly what had I become? Why did I even decide to sacrifice everything to fix one relationship? And at what cost? Now what was I supposed to do? My legs started to tremble on their own and as seconds passed by, I became unable to stand anymore and fell to the floor on my knees. I completely forgot my surroundings when her crying yet hopeful face vividly appeared before me, as if she was really there begging me to take her in my embrace. Rihanna. A single tear made it's way out of the corner of my eye when I remembered kicking her out of my house when she needed me the most and she had no one but me to lean on. And now she was in danger because I was thinking about myself only. She was suffering because I was selfish enough to betray her and failed to protect her. I was lost.... I lost her.

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