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It was around 12am in the morning and Donghae hadn't return. After finding out the truth he just left his place without stating anything to Rheanna who was now alone at his house, sitting on the cold floor of his dark room, lost in her dark memories.

Rheanna's POV:

"Let me go please..." I cried in fear as he slammed the door with a thud and locked it up. He let go of my arm that he was holding tightly leaving his long finger marks on it. I stepped backward as he started unbuckling his belt and approached me slowly. My back hit the wall & I started to shake my head from left to right, signalling him my denial, knowing how dangerously close his body was to mine and how intimidated I felt by his presence near me.

I clasped my palms together and begged him to let me go but it was all useless. "Get on the bed. NOW" was all he ordered in a commanding voice and I couldn't find any sympathetic gestures from his facial features. Nausea consumed my body as he forcefully threw me on his bed when I didn't listen to him and my body involuntarily bounced on the mattress. I quickly sat up and was about to run away but he jumped at me and pinned me down roughly to the bed. His grasp was way tighter for my thin wrists and all my protests were fragile infront of his rugged body.

"Behave... Else I have my own ways." He seethed in my ears as his hands trailed down to my neck getting a firm hold there. I started to cough when he squeezed it agressively making me almost breathless. I squirmed violently beneath him as he enjoyed my helplessness. Tears streamed down my eyes as my throat began to burn in pain. I tried my very best to get him off me. But it was all powerless. "I....can't breathe" I gasped as I kept struggling to get rid of him. I bashed my hands and legs on the bed with a hope to get myself away from him but it only made him to tighten his grip around my throat even more.

I could feel his fingers boring into my skin making it sore and an evil smirk danced on his straight face. His eyes grew darker as he kept looking at me coldly. "I will teach you some manner." He snarled with a hoarse voice putting his head dangerously low to mine. I shut my eyes tight as he took his hands off me and waves of relief washed over my body as I thought he changed his mind on whatever he was planning to do to me.

But soon I was proved wrong. The moment I opened my eyes, he slapped across my face, leaving burning sensation there. I wasn't even in a condition to fathom what just happened, yet I was hitted with another bang on the other side of my face. I bit my lower lip to suppress the loud cry that I was willing to let out but tears continuously fell down my numb cheeks anyway. He held my chin inbetween his fingers which were digging into my skin as if they were trying to form wholes there & I squeezed my eyes shut in pain, unable to say anything.

"Look at me." He demanded and I felt the sense of authority in his hoarse voice. Chills sent down my spine as soon as I unclosed my eyes and met with his emotionless demonic eyes. It only grew darker as the seconds passed by. He pulled away from me, eyes never leaving mine. Pulling out his unbuckled belt he whacked my body with it mercilessly. I jerked in unbearable pain and series of loud cry escaped my mouth. I had no idea what and why he was doing this to me and why I was brought here in the first place, not even knowing what I did to get beaten up like a pitiable animal.

"I fucking bought you from your shitfaced  father and this is what you get when you don't listen to your master." He boiled distastefully. My own father sold me to him! I questioned myself as I kept looking at him in disbelief. "I fucking own you. Your body, soul, everything is mine now. You owe your every breath to me." He announced and started to tiying my hands together with the belt to the headboard making my body immovable. "What are you doing?" I asked when I saw him unbuttoning his shirt and hovering above me. Before my mind could process anything he stripped down my dress along with my underwear leaving me completely naked before him and I squirmed under his cold glare. I protested in every way possible to escape from this human-like monster but he gripped my hips tightly making me stop the movements that I was doing against him.

"I hope this will knock some sense to you." He said before attacking my naked body like a wild animal. He bit down to my neck and his hands slid down to my thighs, forcefully spreading them apart. "No.... Please... Don't... I beg you please! Don't do this to me..." I cried breathlessly but he didn't budge. He pulled down his jeans with his one hand the other one was still held on to my body keeping me still on the bed. Words couldn't come out my mouth and I felt breathless once he exposed his lower region. No this couldn't happen to me. He couldn't do this to me..... or he was about to do what I was denying. I began to shake my tied hands rigorously against the board to make myself free but the leather belt was way too tighter against my skin and all my efforts were going into vain just like that. I felt his hand creeping up to my breasts and my whole body tensed up with pure disgust and bile.

"You are my Slave now" he said hovering over me and without any warning he slammed into me, ripping my virginity apart as a sharp and deathly pain hit my core. He was far from being gentle as he kept slamming into me like a mad animal. His nails dug into my skin, tearing them apart, drawing blood from it. He kept abusing me on the bed  to the point that I stopped protesting and lied there like a lifeless doll. Tears continuously spilled down my eyes making my vision completely blurry as I couldn't get a hold of what was happening and why my own father would sold me to a monster. He kept biting, slapping me to the point that my body stopped responding to him. I felt so numb that I couldn't feel anything anymore. Not even that blood was now dripping down from my lower part continuously. "Fuck. You're bleeding.... Glad that I am the very reason of it." He greeted through his tight teeth, breathlessly and that didn't stop his nerve-wrecking thrusts. When he was finally done, he got off me and put his shirt and pants on. He came to my vision and looked at me for some brief seconds before untying my hands. He suddenly sat down on my lower half which was already aching. "slut." He proclaimed venomously pulling a fistful hair roughly on my head and left the room throwing some thin material over my naked chest and the lower part of my body.

Hours passed by and I kept sitting on the cold floor remembering how my small world turned upside down. I never expected anything from my father but still I believed that he was my father and I still loved him despite of his cruelty. I thought somewhere in his heart, he still loved me and care about me. But he proved me wrong like any other day. He sold me. He sold his own daughter to monster and now I was His Slave. I wiped the tears away that was staining my cheeks as I continued to stare at nothing but the ceiling over me. I wanted to fall in love first like any other normal girl would do but I was no longer a virgin. I lost my virginity to someone that I never knew before, never met before. My hands unconsciously landed on my belly. "I'm pregnant." I mumbled to myself squeezing it gently. My stomach churned up and I felt like throwing up suddenly. Pain stroke to the core of my spine the moment my feet made a contact with the floor, but thankfully it didn't sting as much as before. Without wasting another minute I slowly headed to the bathroom. Putting my head down to the sink I threw up the hell out of me. I splashed some cold water on my face once I was done and my eyes landed on the reflection of myself on the big mirror before me. I observed how pale and sore I looked, all the sleepless nights gave nothing but huge dark circles under my puffy eyes. I slowly ran my hands on the bruises that covered my body which I got the other day and they were now healing only because of one person, Donghae.

I jolted out of my own thoughts soon I heard the crushing sound of something, coming out of the attached room. I carefully opened the door of the bathroom, trying not make any audible noise, I sneak peeked through it and found a familiar figure standing few feet away from me facing his back to me. My heart caught in my throat when my eyes landed on his hands covered with blood.  I covered my mouth with my palms as blood continuously dripped down his arm creating a pool of blood on the white floor.

"What the hell!" I whispered but somehow it drew the attention of the person standing before me, looking down at me. His eyes piercing through my soul the moment our eyes met and it made me froze to the spot where I was standing.

"Is he gonna hurt me?" I asked myself as I gulped a hard knot down my throat.

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