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"you're awake." Donghae stuttered sitting on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees as the girl half opened her eyes after hours of being unconscious in his bed. The lady opened her eyes fully, tilting her head from side to side observing the surroundings around her. "You are in my room." Donghae explained plainly. She blinked for a couple of times then tried to sit up using her elbows. "Here. Drink it." Donghae offered her a glass of water standing next to the bed. She tilted her head up and immediately looked down as soon as her eyes made contact with his. "I don't have all day." Donghae said flatly raising his voice slightly. The girl took the glass in her hands & gulped down the water hurriedly as if she was thirsty for days. "th- thank you." She whispered.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked. But she didn't answer anything. She just kept her head down for all this time. Donghae sighed deeply swiping his face with his huge palms. "It would be better if you wash up first." He suggested observing her bearings. She gave him a small nod moving the blanket away from her blanched body. She fell down to the bed in pain the moment her legs made contact with the cold marble floor. Donghae held her hand placing his other hand on her shoulder firmly for support and led her to the bathroom. Her eyes widened at his sudden action. "Clean yourself up.... I will get you some food." He stated leaving her at the door of the bathroom without waiting for her response.

He started chopping vegetables for soup. He sighed heavily throwing away the knife irritatedly as he couldn't help but kept thinking about the incidents took place over and over again. These all weren't making any sense to him. He knew that both him and Hyukjae were having some complications in their relationship but he was determined to resolve it. But who knew that he would surprise him bringing another girl to his house and got themselves locked up in a room? And those bruises and horrible bite marks over her body reminded him of nothing except brutality. He moved to the sink and ran the tap and splashed his face with some cold water.

The sky grew darker and the girl didn't move an inch from her place where she sat. A sudden knock at the door made the girl flinched away a little as she was lost in her own thoughts sitting on the cold marble floor. Donghae entered the room with a bowl of soup and rice. He placed the the tray on the nearby table and walked towards her. A sudden nervousness spread across her body as he sat behind her. Her body trembled as she felt pair of hands flipping her hair to her side exposing her back. "Stay still." Donghae commanded as the girl tried to move away. But to her surprise he took out some ointment on his fingers and put it on the bruises covering her shoulder and back of her neck. She flinched away in pain as it stung. "It hurts. Isn't it?.... That's how I felt when I see you with him." Donghae grumbled making the girl shallow a lump down her throat. "How long?" He raised his voice a little bit. "How long he's been seeing you behind my back?" He asked. "Wh-what are you talking about?" She mumbled panickingly. Donghae laughed humourlessly as he spun her around so that she could face him. "Now you're playing dumb huh!" He greeted through his teeth and his voice was hoarse which sent shiver down her body. "Look at me. I am talking to you." He demanded. The girl was trembling in fear and slowly raised her head to face him. His face was hardened with anger. His eyes were dark with pain and remorse which made her quiver even more. "How long?" He almost screamed and his breath was fanning her pale face making her almost choked in fear. "I- I don't know.... Know him." She managed to stuttered out inbetween her soft sobs. Donghae raked his hands through his dark hair in frustration. "So you don't know him. But he brought you here and...." He couldn't finished his sentence as he felt that familiar pain in his chest and exhaled deeply. "Answer me why he is doing this.... Why is he with you?" He blurted out almost getting choked as tears spilled down his eyes involuntarily. "I am sorry.... I-" before she could say any further a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Hey Lovebird! Did you miss me? Seems like I disturbed you both at the wrong moment."

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