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Donghae's POV:

I'd never been this helpless in my entire life before. I had been caged in this room god knew for how many days. I was kept barely awake for 1 hour as most of the time Sam would come to my room and inject me which made me unconscious within a blink of an eye and whatever he was injecting me with, it was making me weak physically. I felt my sense coming back as soon as I opened my eyes being dizzy. The heaviness in my head was still there but the first thing that pierced into my mind was Rheanna. Everything Sam told me on the other day was still vivid in my mind and my pulse increased when I recalled him saying that he brought Rheanna here. What did he mean by that? Did he really brought Rheanna here? Was Rheanna here? Was she sharing the same roof as mine? But where was I? Looking at my own condition, I couldn't even begin to imagine in what situation she must be in. The only way to find out the answers was getting out of this room. But how? I tilted my head from one side to another and took a glance at my tied wrists. The bruises were still fresh and it stung like hell when I tried to move them and my body had no energy to make any movement which might help me in getting myself free.

Now that I had sensed that Rheanna might be here, giving up wasn't an option for me anymore. I felt a big lump forming in my throat at the fact that she was still pregnant when the last time she was with me. I had to look out for her. I would find her in any way possible but first I had to think of something to set myself free.

I was jolted out of my own thoughts when the door flew open and my so called bestfriend, Sam entered the room with a boul of soup on a tray. Avoiding my gaze he placed the tray on the table near to my bed. "I am still mad at you." I groaned as I attempted to sit on my own which seemed quite difficult to do. "But you had your reasons." I stated passively drawing his attention to me as I finally managed to sit. "So, are you forgiving me?" His nose scrunched up as he asked confusingly. "I didn't say that." I answered lowering my voice a bit and  saw disappointment spreading all over his face as he took out the syringe from the drawer which he kept injecting me with for all these days and placed it on the table and came over to me with the soup.

"But I thought a lot about it." I said as he fed me a spoon of soup. "I think I would have done the same if I were you." I spoke carefully as his eyes met mine and I found guilty and nervousness there which he tried to cover so hard. "So... you understand why I did it!" He stuttered  fiddling with the spoon and I realised how uptight he was. "Afterall, family comes first and I have known you since our childhood and I know how much you love your brother, Zack as he is your only family member." He stopped playing with the spoon and and his glistening eyes again connected with mine. I could see how sorry he was. His face was giving it away. "I never wanted to do this to you." He explained, tightening his grip on the boul. "I can't say that I forgive you but I could never imagine how hard it must have been for you and you did what you had to do to save your brother..." I uttered trying to stay calm composed without breaking our eye contact. I needed him to believe me at any cost. "I have been putting a lot of thought to it and I really wanna help you in getting your brother back." I spoke in a promising voice and somehow he sensed my determination.

He remained silent and kept feeding me until the boul was left empty. I kept observing his facial features but couldn't figure out what he was thinking. "I think I can trust my friend whom I know for more than two decades." He blurted out standing up and my erratic heartbeats came to a little ease. "We will save our brother together, right?" He asked bending down to my face, locking his eyes with mine as if he is looking for conformity there. "I promise to bring Zack back to you safe and sound." I promised him without even blinking and watched him getting back to his straight standing position.

"Then co-operate with me, Donghae. I give hyukjae what he wants and he gives me Zack back. Simple." He reasoned as he proceeded to fill the syringe up with some liquid and my body tensed up all over again. I tightened my grip as much as possible and began to rub my wounded wrists against the rope as a result of which thick string of blood flowed down over my arms. I willingly let a loud moan out of my mouth causing Sam to glance at me in bewilderment. "What did you do?" He hurried to me placing the syringe on my bed. "Nothing... I- I think I can't feel arms." I stuttered in between my heavy gasps and noticed him getting concerned. "I got you buddy." Those words escaped from his mouth before he rushed to get the first-aid kit from one of the shelves of the room. Once he got it, he then wasted no time and came back to me. He was about to untie my wrists but then stopped. "I can barely move Sam." I grunted with a hoarse tone. "It's okay... You don't have to treat my injuries. It's not even like I am dying." I spoke giving him a small smile. I noticed him struggling with himself whether to untie me and finally his eyes landed on my face. "Please don't do anything stupid." He pleaded before proceeding to untie one of my wrists which was bleeding. "Don't worry doc. Your injections are doing their magic and I can't even move a finger." I chuckled humourlessly and winced when he finally untied me and started to dress my wrist.

Once he was done dressing my wrist he moved for the other one but this time I stopped him. "Can you please give me some water?" I asked with a barely audible voice and he looked at me suspiciously. "Let me dress your other arm and then I will give you as much water as you need." He suggested. "I feel like my throat is burning. Just give me a glass of water." I retorted and he made sure my wrist was well tied up against the headboard before he handed me over a glass of water. I took my time to sip the water down my throat until my other arm was free. I gathered all of my strength that I was still left with and the moment he untied my other wrist I smashed the empty glass against his head with all my might. I didn't even give him a chance to retaliate as I kicked him off the bed and he landed on the tiled floor with a loud thud. His forehead was covered with a thin layer of blood and his hands were on his head.

"Now I hope that you understand why I am doing this." I murmured in his ears before injecting the syringe on his neck and he was knocked out in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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