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Rheanna's POV:

I woke up in the morning as soon as the sunlight spread across my face. I lazily rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and tried to sit up using my elbows. My head felt heavy as I sat on the mattress and it took me a minute or two to get back to my normal self.

My eyes landed on the clock hanging on the wall and it was 9.15 am. A string of memories hurried into my mind and the sudden realisation of yesterday's events hit me hard. I heaved a heavy sigh as I ran my hand through my tangled hair. I got up from the bed and a loud hiss escaped from my mouth at the contact of my bandaged foot to the floor. However, it didn't sting as much as yesterday. Thanks to Donghae. A small smile crept on my face unknowingly at his thought. But where was he?

I slowly hopped out of the room and my eyes caught him sleeping on the couch, uncomfortably and I felt guilty.
I returned to the room to get the duvet with me and I quietly moved towards him, not wanting to wake him up. I blanketed him with the duvet carefully and watched him cuddled into it as soon as his body got the warmth from it. He was sleeping peacefully. Soon my attention traveled down to his hands where he held a photo frame close to his chest and it made me curious to know whom it was of. Pursing my lips together I hesitantly moved my hands to his and cautiously took the frame out of his grip. My breath hitched as his body made sudden movements at my actions but soon it went away as he got lost in his deep sleep again. Turning the frame around my eyes found a portrait of two familiar figures. One of them was my savior and the other one was..... Who bought me, claimed me as his slave. My breath became erratic as soon as my orbs landed on his face. It reminded me of him, hovering above me and how his demonic eyes raked my body distastefully. I gasped achingly as I remembered what he did to me. I placed the frame inbetween his palms, where it was before and covered my mouth with my hands as it was getting difficult for me to control my sobs which were willing to get out. Without wasting any time, I got away from him as I didn't want to disturb his peaceful sleep.

I got freshen up and after applying ointment on my bruises, I changed into a pair of sweat pants and a loose baggy t-shirt which Donghae gave me. He sent couple of new dresses when he left me with his friend Sam but I felt more comfortable in these sweat pants. I made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast as I didn't want to burden him with my uselessness, just sitting, eating and sleeping, doing nothing. So I decided to make breakfast. After rummaging through the cupboards I finally found rice and boiled it and cut some vegetables for soup.

I was plating the food on the dinning table once it was ready and now waiting for Donghae to wake up. My head tilted up as soon as I saw him entering the room and he looked sleepy and exhausted and my chest filled with so much guilt to see him suffered because of me. "What are these?" He questioned furrowing his brows at me. "Umm... Food." I answered awkwardly. "I know but who told you to make these?" He frowned and I got nervous. "I got up  early so...umm.. thought to make some breakfast." I answered clumsily.

He sat down on the chair after thinking for a few seconds and I got nervous when he finally took a spoon of soup to his mouth. He didn't say anything just ate the food plainly as I just stood their stiffly, not knowing what to do. "Are you not gonna eat?" He asked, breaking the silence. "Actually.... there was food for only one person so...I umm.. ate an apple." I  stammered looking at the floor and he just nodded. Soon he finished and got up from the chair and moved towards the kitchen taking the plates with him.

"Take this." He offered me a can of milk when he came out of the kitchen and I took it reluctantly. "Your medicines are on the table. Take them after drinking it." He said flatly and I just nodded at him, keeping my head down. I tilted my head up and exhaled deeply once he walked past me but got surprised when I caught him glancing at me over his shoulder.
"Can we have a talk?" He asked and I gulped frightfully as I just nodded being dumbfounded. "Come to my room when you're done." He commanded and left.

My heart thumped against my chest unevenly as I got closer to his room. I knocked on the door standing before it and  inhaled deeply before entering. "Sit down." He said knowing my presence as soon as I stood behind him and I sat on the couch as he said. "How are you feeling?" He asked turning around. "Good." I replied simply, not looking at him. "Let me get straight to the point." He stated setting my heart on fire as it jumped madly inside my chest. "You can't conceive the child." He blurted out and I looked at him with wide eyes. "I think Sam has told you about the consequences of it!.... I guess I am not required to inform you more about your health risks." He stated getting close to me and sat at the other ending of the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "So...what do you think?" He asked tilting his head to my side and his eyes met mine. I could sense the pain he was feeling as I kept staring at his dark brown orbs. But he was trying his best to hide it away. I chewed my lips inwardly not knowing what exactly to answer him.

"You don't have to answer it right away. It's your life and the decision lies with you but.... Think for once. You are too young and have a long way to go.... One wrong decision and it will ruin your life."

"I have nothing left to be ruined anymore." I stammered looking away from him as tears rolled down my eyes unknowingly but I wiped them away immediately. He sighed exhaustingly as he rested his head on his palms. "I don't want it." I answered moving my head to his direction and caught him looking at me blankly. "Are you sure?" He asked as he kept his eyes on me suspiciously. "Yes." I retorted with confidence this time. "Look as I said you don't have to answer me immediately... You can take some time to think."

I hope this was the right thing I was doing. I might be overwhelmed when I got to know that I was pregnant and I didn't give it more thoughts and vaguely agreed to keep it inside me. But not anymore. Now it made me sick to have the mere thought of raising a part of that monster, inside me. I didn't wanna be the mother of that monster's child.

"I don't want it." I repeated looking straight into his eyes to let him know about the finality of my decision which he sensed and just nodded at me.

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