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"Rheanna" I gasped as I sped up to her floating body and picked her up in my arms immediately. Getting out of the bathroom, I lied her down on my bed and started to pumping her chest with my palms. Water kept pouring out of her mouth as I kept pumping. "Rheanna! Open your eyes!" I screamed panickingly as I rubbed her palms with the hope of giving her some warmth. I could feel her pulse rate but it was too weak. I was completely blanked out when she just lied there being irresponsive and I didn't know what I needed to do to save her. I began pumping her chest once again and thankfully she responded as she started to cough viciously. "Rheanna!... Are you alright?" I asked concerningly and finally she slowly opened her eyes. A wave of relief washed over my body as I kneeled down to the side of her bed and dug my head to the mattress. It took me couple of minutes to realise what just happened and what could have happened if I was a little bit late to get her. I heaved a sigh moving my head up and found her looking at me blankly with tearful eyes. I wanted to scream because it was all driving me completely insane. My anger was trying it's best to get a hold of me but I somehow managed to not to lose my mind. I just stood up and covered her body with a blanket as she lied on my bed stiffly and stomped out of the room to call Sam.

About an hour of long wait Sam came and checked on her. We talked for a few minutes in which he let me know that she and the baby was fine but I had to be extra careful with her and any wrong movement could cause a big risk. He was about to leave but then he asked something which I didn't want to hear. "Have you talked to her?" He asked. "About what?" I asked him back knowingly. "I made it very clear that she can't give birth Donghae. She's lucky that she survived today and her baby is completely fine surprisingly, but we can't ignore the fact that she still has too many complications Donghae. As time passes by it will get more complicated..... And by that time I am afraid that I might not be able to help." He stated and my heart clenched at his words. "Call me if something happens. For now she will be sleeping for hours." I just nodded at him, not knowing what else to say and with that he left.

I came back to the room and found her sleeping steadily on my bed. She was looking much more paler than her usual self. Sighing deeply I moved to my couch and lied down on it. It was already 1.30 in the morning and I felt utterly exhausted. My body was completely drained after all the events that took place today. My eyes felt so heavy that it was becoming impossible for me to be wide awake anymore. "What have you done Hyukjae?" Were my last words before I drifted off.

I groaned in my sleep when I heard someone's cry. Wait Someone is really crying! It made me completely startled and I was wide awake now. I sat up right away when the sobs got louder and louder and I knew who it was. Rheanna.

Jumping out of the couch I moved towards the bed where she was lying showing her back to me. "No... Leave me please. Don't.... Please don't" she started babbling when I patted on her shoulder. "Why are you doing this? I beg you please leave me..." Now her cries turned into loud screams as she started to bash her hands and legs on the bed repeatedly and she was doing this while being asleep. I cursed under my breath and jumped on the bed and hovered above her as I tried to get a hold of her hands to slacken her movements. But she was relentless. She started to squirm even more violently when I finally held her arms still and caged her legs using my own on the each side of her.

"Open your eyes Rheanna! It's just a dream." I shouted to wake her up but she wasn't listening to me. " will rape me... Please let go of me... please." She cried as tears spilled down from the corner of her closed eyes and continued bashing against me. "Nobody is here. No one will hurt you. Just open your damn eyes.... It's me Rheanna. It's only me Donghae!" I screeched and with that she opened her eyes and looked at me horrifyingly as if I was a ghost. "It's me.... Donghae." This time I said calmly as I observed her face and the shocked expression was still there. Her face was all sweaty and eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. Her hair was all messy and some stuck to her sweaty face. Her mouth was gaped and she was breathing unevenly. "He was here....right over me. He said I can't escape from him. I kept begging him but.... But he didn't listen to me." She cried breathlessly underneath me squeezing her eyes shut which made my heart pained. "Hey! Nobody is here. It was a dream.... Just a bad dream. You're safe here." I said wiping her tears away from her stained cheeks. "But... But he said that... I can't escape from him." She stuttered inbetween her sobs. "And I said that you are safe here. Nobody will do anything to you." I reassured her holding her face inbetween my palms and she leaned on to my touch. "You promise?" She asked looking at me sadly and I nodded at her. "You have to take your medicines." I told her, getting off the bed but she held on to my arms tightly preventing me to go.

I hissed as a sharp pain hit me when her hand made contact with that particular place on my arm, where I was bleeding for hours now. Which I didn't realise until now. "I am sorry.... but your'e bleeding." She mumbled tracing her fingers lightly on the affected area. "It's okay. It's just a minor cut. I will get you your medicine." I was about to go but again she stopped me. "Minor!! You're bleeding god knows for how long." She said as she slowly tried to sit up using her elbows. "Where are you going?" I asked when she got off the bed and went to the bathroom only to return with a first-aid box in her slender arms. She knelt down before me making me sit down on the bed.

"Let me." She requested taking my wounded arm in her grasp. "You don't have to." I groaned sternly taking my hand away from her. "Please just let me help you for once." She pleaded looking at me and I found drops of fresh tears dripped down her cheeks.
I clenched my jaw tightly and spread my arm to her which she took in between her palms and started taking the broken pieces of glasses out of my wounds, determinedly. "It will hurt a little bit." She spoke before filling the cotton pad with the sanitizer. It stung a little when she rubbed the cotton pad against my wounds but I just sat emotionlessly there.

I couldn't help but seeing her like this in front of me, only reminded of him, Hyukjae. He would took extra care of me whenever I was hurt physically. He would be so gentle and subtle towards me that my heart would always burst out at his sweetness. But those days were gone. My Hyukjae had gone. Why couldn't anything back to be normal how it used be! Why couldn't he just comeback to me saying that it was all a lie? I was jolted out of my thoughts when I heard her calling my name. "Umm... It's done." She mumbled. I thanked her and she stood up giving me a small smile.

But her smile faded way when she ran to the bathroom, covering her mouth with her hands and I just looked at her astoundingly not knowing what happened now. But soon all my questions got vanished when I heard her throwing up in there.

"I have to talk to her before it gets too late."

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