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3 weeks later:

After tossing and turning on the bed for unknown hours, Donghae finally sat up clutching his hair tightly. It was past midnight yet he wasn't able to sleep for a minute. It wasn't about tonight only, he had been having sleepless nights for almost a month now. There was something that kept bothering him, something which he couldn't forget about. No matter how long he worked out to release his stress, there were certain things that kept haunting him like a wild animal.

After giving a lot of thoughts, Donghae finally picked up his phone which had been vibrating for minutes. "Did you find anything?" He asked. Nervousness evident in his voice. "No, nothing yet.... I think he's been out of the state for a long now." Spoke a voice from the other side of the phone. "Did he contact anyone?" He questioned as beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
"No....but I will let you know if I get any information about him." And with that Donghae hung up.

Keeping the duvet aside, Donghae got up from his bed and walked straight to his big glass windows which were wide open, letting the beams of moonlight shone on his alluring half naked body. The wind blew his soft hair swiftly as he closed his eyes standing next to the windows and got lost in his own thoughts.

He didn't remember how long he'd been searching for Hyukjae now. It seemed like forever to him. There was no place that he didn't look for him or no person that he didn't ask about the love of his life but regardless of his countless efforts, he would fail. It was like Hyukjae left him without any trace. Did that hurt Donghae? Of course! But was that the only reason for his sleepless nights? Then, the answer was no.

Three weeks. It'd been three weeks that he saw Rheanna for the last time. It was the day on which she was going to fulfill the promise which she made to Donghae & the day on which she confessed her feelings to him. What did you think how he reacted? Wasn't the answer obvious? He definitely denied her feelings right away and crushed her heart with his spiteful words. That was what he thought. "I would rather die alone than to be loved by a filthy creature like you." He hissed venomously looking straight into her eyes and found pain in her dark blue orbs. "Pain" wasn't a strong enough word to describe how exactly he felt looking into her eyes. He knew that his words were breaking her apart whatever she was left with after all the torments she had been through. Her body unconsciously flinched away and made a contact with the wall behind her back as if she was too weak to stand. But he didn't care. All he wanted was to get the man back whom he loved with all his heart and her confession to him wasn't helping at all. Rather it enraged him and made him furious than he'd ever been. " didn't mean-" He didn't even let her finish the sentence as he strode towards her like a mad animal as if she was his prey. "Oh! Believe me I meant every single word I said." He roared getting dangerously close to her face. "What made you so confident that I would ever.... Forget it... Listen to me carefully, you have 15 seconds to leave my house otherwise I don't know what I would do to you and your pathetic fetus.....And you shouldn't test me." He seethed completely ignoring the fact that how horrified that girl was before him. She couldn't believe things would change this quick for her. She was finally getting happy cause she thought there was someone who cared for her. Someone, whom she could rely on. But she was broken now. It was the first time that she grew feelings for someone. Which made her believed that she was capable to love and being loved. Which gave her a hope that her life wasn't all about sufferings. She could be happy like any other person. But who knew that her own  confession would cause her a misery that would trap her for the rest of her life! Her body stiffened as her mouth started to shake vigorously as if she was trying to say something but her frozen lips couldn't form a word. She wasn't in a state to fathom all the things that Donghae told her yet she was grabbed by a strong arm which was indeed Donghae's, leading her out of his house. "Make sure I don't have to see her face ever again." Donghae said to Sam in a commanding voice which made Rheanna to look at him in complete disbelief.

A single tear made it's way out of Donghae's eye which appeared like a crystal in the dim moonlight. He still remembered her face vividly. The pain of betrayal was evident on her slacken face. He remembered how her eyes were pleading him to not send her away from him when he left her alone with Sam. He knew that in the short period of time Rheanna got comfortable with him. It was always him who would calm her down whenever she started to scream in her sleep. He remembered how he used to cradle her up in his arms until she fell asleep and somehow seeing her sleeping peacefully in his embrace gave him some sort of satisfaction and warmth. It wasn't only Rheanna who got comfortable around him. Donghae also grew some sort of fondness for her which he wanted to keep in denial. The moment they both shared the other night, it made Donghae grew a little bit closer to her. When he broke into her arms and allowed her to see his vulnerability and the way she fondled him, it made him feel like he was not alone in his pain. That night, they both shed tears knowing how broken they both were yet they found some sort of emotional solace in each other's embrace.

His fist tightened making his veins popped out across his arm. His heart got heavier as he regretted every single word he let out of his mouth on that day. He hated how he broke her apart right before his eyes. He got angrier how he couldn't forget and hate her after all the pain she had cause him and how she was the very reason that Hyukjae wasn't with him anymore. Even if he had thousands reasons to despise her yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her for a single one.
He tried to convince himself that he didn't care but deep down inside he knew that he cared and was bothered enough to stay awake at nights and think about her. He couldn't even muster up his courage to ask Sam how she was doing, if she was alright or not. He wasn't even able to face his own self. It was like his own emotions were eating him alive. The more he tried to run away from himself, the more suffocated he would feel. He knew the pain of betrayal more than anyone else yet he gave that pain to her, knowing how fragile she was. How lonely she was and most importantly how much faith she had in him.

The phone smashed into pieces as he dashed it against floor. A loud howl escaped from his mouth as he couldn't able to bear how ambivalent and helpless he had become.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Lovebird." A familiar voice was unexpectedly heard from afar causing goosebumps all over Donghae's body as he looked over his bare shoulder to have a glance at the person that he had been looking for all his life.

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