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Donghae's POV:

Sometimes things happen which we never have thought of, which are beyond our control and which don't go as our accordance. 'How', 'why', these words keep rushing through our minds & those questions make us to rethink about certain past decisions of our life and then we come up with the thought of 'what if.' "what if I could go back to my past & and acted up differently? What if I could make a different choice? would that make my current situation any better? Would that make me suffer less?" I don't know what the answers of those questions. If certain things are destined to be happened then they will happen anyways. No matter how badly you want to change your present. You just can't. You live in your present & that's the reality. Our present is based upon our past and if you made a choice then you have to face the consequences, it might be good or bad. That's what I believe in. May be this is the consequences of my past actions, the choice, I made two years ago.

When we are too happy, we are afraid it will be taken away. That we will wake up one day and the persons and the moments that made us so happy will disappear. We have spent so long
wanting this happiness that when it arrives, we struggle to enjoy it out of constant fear that it will leave. LEAVE. Strange but may be this is how life works.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't wanna talk about it." Hyukjae roared throwing his hands in air. "Why not Hyukjae? I share everything with you. Every little thing about my life. Why can't you do the same?" I fought back with as much anger as him. "Because I am not ready. Why is it so difficult for you to understand?" Hyukjae shouted in disbelief. "Understand! That's what I exactly keep doing for all this time. I have this feeling that you're hiding something from me. Something that makes me feel like I know nothing about you. Something that is slowly making us distant. And whenever I try to talk about it you either avoid me or make me shut up with your 'give me some time' excuse. How much time do you exactly need? While all this time I've been giving you your time to open up to me. Why can't you talk to me?" I uttered getting closer to him. I slowly took his hands in mine and keep looking at them. "You know that you have me. If something is bothering you then tell me. I will understand. I will be there for you. If you keep hiding it from me then how am I supposed to help you baby?" I stammered holding Hyukjae's face inbetween my palms. "I don't need your damn help." He growled looking into my eyes which were now filled with tears, making me flinched away astonishingly. "You are just being over dramatic Donghae. That's it and That's my answer for you." He vented violently. His face was stiff and eyes were darker in anger which was very new to me. I had never seen him this aggressive. It was something that I couldn't express in words, something that tore apart my heart. "You are helplessly annoying Donghae." Hyukjae spat out. His each words were stabbing my heart million times. Did he know what exactly he was saying? I couldn't believe that Hyukjae could actually say that to me when all I wanted was to help him, to be there for him and to not let him feel that he was alone. But I never thought that he would treat me this way.

"You're a fucking coward." I bellowed making Hyukjae stop who was about to leave now. "What did you say?" He questioned turning around, getting closer to me. "You heard me right. You're a coward who talks shits about someone who's trying to help and thinks that will make you feel any better. You're a pathetic loser Hyukjae and what are you gonna do about it?" I groaned moving forward. Now our faces were only inches apart. Hyukjae's darker eyes boring into mine and his breath was fanning over my face. His eyes suddenly flickered down to my thin lips only making me realise how dry they were and how badly they wanna be kissed by his own plump lips. Without any warning he smashed his lips into mine. I missed him. I missed his lips against mine moving in a perfect sync. Usually our kisses were gentle and sweet but this time it was different. It was far from being gentle. It was forceful and rough and I could taste his anger in his kiss. Without any thinking I kissed him back with equal force and aggression. Hyukjae roughly bit down to my lower lips drawing blood from it making me squeeze my eyes shut and I groaned in both pleasure and pain. "Don't fucking talk to me like that." Hyukjae warned in a low voice leaning down to my ears taking my earlobe inbetween his sharp teeth not before giving it a lick. I hissed and bit down on his neck. Hyukjae snaked his arms around my waist making me even more closer to his slim body and started to kiss, bite and suck on my neck. I moaned pulling his hair roughly when he bit down that particular place on my neck which drove me insane. We started taking off each other's clothes without pulling apart untill both of us were completely naked. Throwing me on to the bed, Hyukjae then attacked my newly exposed skin like a merciless hungry animal. I helplessly grabbed the sheets under my arms. I arched my back giving him more place to explore my body and he did. I squirmed under his firecly touch. His every single touch, kiss, bite was setting my body on fire. It made me crave more. It made me hungrier than before. We flipped over so that now I was on the top of him. Lowering down my face, I pressed my lips on his soft ones. I was gentler than him. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance to which Hyukjae didn't allow and now we were fighting for dominance. He flipped me over again making me caged under his body. "You know who is in real control. So don't fucking try Lovebird." Hyukjae smirked evilly and shoved his tongue in my mouth gaining a loud moan from me. Being satisfied with his dominance he smirked against my lips. "I missed you. I missed us more." I whispered looking into his dark eyes and waited for his answer but he didn't answer me back. He slowly lowered himself and grinded on me making me gasp and pant . Soon he entered me without giving an alert which made me cry out loud in pain.

I rubbed my eyes when I felt like waking up the next morning. A wide smile crept on my face when I thought about last night. I was happy. I was genuinely happy about last night. I was sure that Hyukjae would be open up to me after everything happened between us last night. My smile suddenly faded away when my eyes caught Hyukjae putting his clothes back on his body and almost ready to leave so early in the morning. "Where are you going?" I asked confusedly. Hyukjae didn't answer and keep dusting off his shirt with a blank face which made me more nervous and insecure. "Are you not happy?" I asked sitting up on the bed as my heart started to beat rhythmlessly. But Hyukjae didn't bother to answer me anyway. "Do you.... Do you regret last night?" I questioned studying his face to get any reaction. But what he said was unbelievable. "It was a mistake Donghae. I really don't know how did that happen.... May be we both got caught in the moment!" Hyukjae stated casually scrunching his nose as if it didn't matter to him and with that he left.

He left me all alone. It was months ago but I still remembered everything. It made me feel like I was the only one who was in a relationship, who was chasing after him, who was begging for his love and attention. I thought may be it was me who was really being over dramatic when all he asking from me was to give him some time. I was ready to give him as much time as he needed. But what did he do? He ended up with another girl shamelessly in my own house!

I was dragged out of my own thoughts when I felt someone tapped on my shoulder. "Sam!" I exclaimed turning back to face him. He was my close friend, more like a bestfriend, who was a doctor and knew about me and Hyukjae's relationship. I asked him to keep the girl with him for some days untill I found out what exactly to do. At first he was horrified seeing her with those hideous bruises when I brought her here, but I requested him not to tell anyone about her and thankfully he agreed. He asked me if everything was okay between me and Hyukjae to which I decided not to answer and he didn't force me. I placed her on the bed and covered her body with the blanket. She hadn't waken up since she fell asleep in my arms and Sam told me it's nothing to be worried about and it would be better for her to stay with a doctor who could actually take care of her and may be I would be able to gain some information about her within this short period of time while she was here. I glanced back to her one last time and left Sam's place after bidding him goodbye.

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