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"Is he gonna hurt me?" I asked myself when my eyes glanced upon the familiar figure standing before me.  His dark crystal orbs made contact with mine and I found an unfamiliar comfort in them. He was the last person that I thought of today, Donghae.

I slowly and hesitantly moved towards him and was about to say something when he put his index on his lips, gesturing me to keep quiet. His dark eyes wandered around observing the room that we were in and we both exchanged questionable look when we felt someone's presence here in the house.  He quietly and carefully came over to me and I tried to read his facial features as anxiety started to consume me. "What's going on?" I asked in a low voice searching for answer from his worried face. "I don't know. May be someone is here." He answered looking outside of the room.  I held his arm firmly when he began to walking away from me. "Where are you going?" I questioned worriedly. "Stay here. I'll be back." He whispered shaking my hands away from him.

"But you're bleeding. You might get hurt out there." I showed my concern in a low audible voice which made him to roll his eyes at me. "I'm fine. You don't have to be worried about me. Lock yourself up in the bathroom and stay there until I return." He alerted me before leaving and I nodded in response. I locked myself up in the bathroom once he left the room and my mind clouded with the worst possible things that could happen out there.

I sat down on the toilet seat leaning on my elbows upon my knees. Who could it be? Was it him?... No, it couldn't be him. He had been warned by Donghae on the other day. He wouldn't dare to come here again after that. whom was I kidding? He could do that as far as I knew him. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead at the sudden knock on the door. I raked my hands through my tangled hair as I slowly stepped forward to the door but not opening it. The bangs on the door got louder and louder while I just stood there still, not knowing what exactly to do. It could be him, who had bought me and might be planning different ways to kill me once I opened the door.

My back hit the selves as I subconsciously  moved backward and gasped at the sudden contact. Turning around, I rummaged through the selves and my eyes landed on the scissors kept inside the transparent first-aid box. Without thinking any further I took the scissors out of the box and again moved towards the door. My fingers clung to the scissors tightly as my other unoccupied hand gripped the door knob firmly and I was about to open it but surprisingly the banging sounds from the other side was stopped. Gulping down, I took a sharp breath in and unclosed the door sluggishly, keeping it as quite as possible. I sneak peeked through the peephole and couldn't find anyone within my peripheral vision.

I slowly walked ahead pulling the doors apart. My eyes roamed around the room as I walked straight and I suddenly stopped when heard something creaked behind me. Gripping the scissors more tightly I gathered my all courage that was anyhow left within myself. Turning around I was about to attack whoever was behind me but my fragile attempt was stopped by an strong arm. I opened my eyes which I didn't even realise that I had been keeping shut all this time and I heaved a sigh when my eyes found the familiar figure standing in front of me. Well with an unamused and bored face. He traveled his dark eyes to my armed  hand which was captured by his rugged ones before glancing back at my face. A small smile crept on my face which I really didn't know for what exactly but I was relieved by the fact that it was him.

"You look stupid." He stated humourlessly releasing my hand  and my smile faded away immediately. "Did you find anyone there?" I asked throwing the scissors on the nearby table. "No." He answered. "But I found something in the living room." He said sliding his hand inside his pant pocket.

And what he took out of his pocket shook me to the core and  I stood completely dumbfounded there.

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