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Donghae's POV:

I sat down on the bed and picked up the picture of me and Hyukjae from the table nearby. I remembered those happy days that I spent with him. It felt so nostalgic yet so debilitating. I tried to get him out of my mind in every way possible but didn't know how to. He was like everywhere in my mind. I was so used to his presence that I couldn't apprehend how I was supposed to be adjusted to his absence in my life. But I couldn't go back to him no matter how badly I missed him, how badly I wanted to be with him. I just couldn't do it anymore. I'd been trying to gather any kind of information about that girl for a week now but couldn't find any. I drove to her house but the house was locked up and I didn't even know her name which made me unable to find out more data about her. She was currently at Sam's house, my only friend that I could rely on in this situation.

My phone buzzed and my eyes diverted from the photo frame. It was Sam. "Hey!" I answered trying to be as calm as possible. "Dude you need to be here." He replied, his voice was a mixture of panic and confusion. "What's wrong Sam?" I questioned dreadfully. He remained silent and it made me even more nervous and impatient than I already was. "What's it Sam? Say it." I asked nervously as I was unable to control my eagerness. "Dude she's pregnant." He articulated and the photo frame that I was holding fell down to the ground and crushed into thousands pieces. Did I hear him right? Sudden nausea spread across my whole body and my vision became blurry as tears swelled up in my eyes. I dramatically fell down to floor in skepticism. 
"Donghae!... Are you there?" Sam kept repeating the same words until I gave him any response which would make him believe that I was listening to him. "I will be there." I stammered through the phone trying to compose myself as far as possible and hung up.

1 hour later

I was greeted by Sam as soon as I reached there. I stormed towards his guest room where she in was but Sam's sudden interruption made me stopped. "We need to talk." Sam suggested grasping my wrist. "Not now." I proclaimed through my greeted teeth and clenched my fists in rage. "Dude this is important. You need to know something." He said standing in front of me flashing me a serious look. I nodded at him and we both went to the balcony for a talk.

"What's going on Donghae? Who's she? And what is she doing with you?" He asked breathlessly once we were settled in his balcony. My jaw clenched and it was taking  everything for me to not to burst out right there. I was furious and he was making it impossible for me to keep myself calm and composed. I closed my eyes for a brief seconds and heaved a deep sigh. "If this is what you wanna talk about right now then I am not in the mood." I spat out and turned around ready to leave him there. "Wait.... I'm sorry Hae." He apologized putting his hand on my shoulder making me look at his face. "I was just wondering.... Forget it. There's something I need to let you know before you take her." He stated drawing my attention to him. "What happened?" I questioned furrowing my brows. "I don't think she can endure this Donghae. She's like nineteen or something and her body is too weak to conceive a child..... and I'm afraid that she might not survive her pregnancy. She has too many complications." He stated carefully observing my facial expressions. "So what do you want me to do?" I asked him as I swallowed a hard lump down my throat. "I told her very consequences of her pregnancy but she still wants to carry the child. May be you can change her mind." He said in a suggestive tone. "Why would she listen to me?" I asked annoyingly. "I tried to ask her about herself and her family but she didn't give me any answer. Believe me or not but she kept asking for you all day and night Donghae. Seems like she's going through some kind of trauma and those bruises on her body!!!... It's sickening Donghae. I know that I am in no place to ask you about your personal life but I know that something is up between you and Hyukjae.... anyways I just wanna tell you that any kind of stress or tension can complicate her condition even more." He uttered giving me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder and left me alone giving me some space for my own self. My legs suddenly felt weak and I ended up sitting on the cold marble floor. "How am I gonna face it?" I whispered throwing my head back to the wall. Most importantly was I ready to know who was the father of her child?

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