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Donghae took the girl back with him after his heated conversation with Sam. He was warned by him to not to stress her out which could cause potential harm to her. So he decided to refrain himself from questioning anything to her for now. Their way back to home was in complete silence. None of them had uttered a single word. Donghae kept his focus straight on the lonely road and never dared to look at her once. On the other hand Donghae's pure silence was bothering her up. She expected him to be angry and mad at her, to curse at her, to blame her but it wasn't anything like that she imagined. She kept playing with her fingers and occasionally bit her lips out of nervousness throughout the car ride. She tried to initiate a conversation with him first but couldn't muster up the courage to do so. She just sat quietly and drowned in her own thoughts.

Soon they reached at his place. Without glancing at her, Donghae headed to his room leaving the girl all alone in the living room. After battling with her ownself she couraged herself up and decided to talk to Donghae. Being scared she slowly stepped forward to the room where Donghae was. She awkwardly knocked on the door but couldn't get any answer. Keeping her head down she fought with her inner self whether to go in or not. "What if he gets mad at me? What if I would make him more angrier?" These queries kept rushing in her tensed mind. But at least in that way she would get any kind of reaction from him. May be that would set her heart and mind at ease somehow. Without thinking any further she stepped forward and a sharp pain hit her body the moment her feet stepped on the broken pieces of glass. She immediately fell down to tile floor in pain and tried her very best to not to cry out loud. Pursing her bottom lip hard, she shallowed down her loud scream that was about to come out of her mouth. She gasped grasping her foot tightly with her trembling hands which was now covered with blood. Tears involuntarily spilled down her crystal eyes as she couldn't bear the pain anymore.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A loud voice came from a direction where the bathroom was located at. Bobbing her head up the girl look at the man standing infront of her just in a pair of sweat pants and with a well built bare chest. It was no other than Donghae. Anger was clearly evident on his sharp angular face as his jaw tightened. His eyes were darker than their usual shades and his dark black hair was all messy and damped. Kneeling down infront of her he took her injured feet in his rugged palms. "Stay still. It might hurt a little." He advised as he carefully and attentively started to take out the broken pieces of glasses stucked in her bare foot & bandaged her leg. "But you're hurt more than me." The girl blurted out causing Donghae to look at her suspiciously and questioningly. His jaw tensed even more and his brows drew together forming a slight furrowing mark on his forehead. Avoiding her intense gaze he stood up balling up his fists even tighter and started to walk away from her but she stopped him catching his wrist firmly in her hands.

"Wait!" She pleaded looking up at him. Donghae averted his eyes from her face to his wrist and the girl let go of his hand once she understood what she did. "Are you not gonna say anything to me?" She stuttered gazing down to the floor. "No." Donghae answered disinterestedly and started to walk away. "You're mad at me. Aren't you?" Her voice made him stop again. "I'm sorry." She mumbled getting a few steps closer to him. "You are suffering a lot. You deserve to know the truth." She babbled digging her nails inside of her palms. "Now I'm pitiable in your eyes!" Donghae bawled out as a humourless smile crept on his angular face. "No. It's not like that. I never-" The girl winced back in fear as Donghae suddenly pinned her to the wall, giving her that deathly look that made her to crawl up into a ball and never show her face to him again. "I'm gonna say this for the first and last time. So listen to me carefully. I don't know what kind of game you both are playing with me but don't try to push my limits. I don't need your sympathy. Save it. You and your pitiable unborn child might need it." He seethed through his greeted teeth with an unreadable face.

Tears swelled up in her eyes as his words stabbed her like a sharp knife. "I never wished for it." She screamed at him placing her hands on her stomach. "You don't know anything and I am not pitying you. I wanna explain everything because you deserve to know. Because.... because you are too good to be a part of this mess." She cried squeezing her belly. "Then tell me everything." Donghae stammered backing away from her.

"Rheanna.... I'm Rheanna Alfred."

Rheanna's POV:

Some memories never leave your bones, like salt in the sea; they become part of you and you carry them.

"Like any other teenage girl I too had wished for a normal life, to go to college, to be surrounded with friends. But my destiny had some other plans for me which I never thought of. Which I never wished for.
My mother died when I was 6 and my father never loved me and it even worsen once my mother was gone. He would end up beating me up every now and then and most of the time he would leave the house locking me up in a room with my sister. I had a little sister to be taken care of and once I tried to ran away from my father taking my sister with me but failed & then I had to experience one of the worst nightmares of my life. Unbuckling his belt he would whip me with it until I would pass out. He made my life a living hell and wasn't even satisfied with that, he....he... Sold me." I chocked on my own words. "He sold me to him, the person you care about.... The person whom you love." I cried. "My father, he is a monster. He's the most selfish person who doesn't even care about his own daughters. I didn't want to come between you two and believe me I am so done with this hell of a life I am living ....... That day it was him, my father. He was there when I went to the restroom. I don't know how but he managed to find out that I wasn't with Hyukjae, the person to whom he sold me.... I clearly remember what he did to me afterwards on that day and how he threw me there just to die on the road... " I enunciated wiping my tears away from my eyes.

"Hyukjae is not the father of your child. Is he?" Donghae screeched holding my shoulders and turned me around to answer him. His face was stiff and veins were popping out on his forehead and eyes were red burning with anger. I parted my lips slightly to answer but felt my tongue getting frozen. "Answer me." He greeted through his teeth as his grip tightened around my shoulders, fingers digging into my cold skin. "I- I never wanted this." I stuttered as his intense gaze sent shivers down my spine. "I asked one simple question. Is it his child?... Yes or no?" He grilled getting closer to my face.

"Yes..." I breathed out my answer to him.

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