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3 hours later:

Donghae's POV:

All this mess had taken a big toll on me. No matter how much efforts I put to calm myself down, I failed. How could I though? What did I do to deserve this? I loved him, trusted him more than anyone and what did I get in return? Betrayal? Pain? heartbreak?

"It's not over yet." His words echoing in my ears. Why did he say that? What did he mean by that? And most importantly what was he getting from it? He wasn't even guilty for his deeds and that girl! How did she become a part of it?My head was pounding with all these queries, even worsening as minutes passed by.

I needed to know what was going on.  Sitting in a room and grieving over it, wouldn't do any help. No matter how much pain I was in, I needed answers. I needed reasons. After struggling for hours I finally decided to talk to her. If Hyukjae couldn't answer me then she would.

I made myself stopped before the room where the girl was in. My fists tightened at the hesitation that was engulfing me. I inhaled sharply and composed myself and without wasting another second I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again and waited. It was still the same. No response. I cleared my throat loud enough for her to know that I was coming in. I opened the door taking small steps and squeezed my eyes shut not knowing in what condition the girl might be in. I shyly opened my eyes and my gaze landed on the bed. Surprisingly it was emptied. Where did she go? I scanned the room carfully but she wasn't there and the room was all mess. I moved forward looking around the room. There were peices of glasses scattered across the floor as if a battle was going on inside these four walls. I glanced at the bed and there were stains of blood over the bedsheet and my breath got hitched at the sight. My jaw tensed as I enraged with anger. Where the hell was she? I searched for her in every corner of the house but she was nowhere to be found.    "Where can she go?" I groaned rubbing my head with my sweaty palms in frustration. "Terrace." I whispered. That's the only place left unsearched. But why would she go up their? My eyes widened in bewilderment at the speculation of the worst possible things that could happen up their.

I panted hard as I climbed upstairs without having any second thought. My heart caught up in my throat as soon as I reached there. She was standing at the edge of the roof which was implying that she was about to jump off. I ran furiously towards her, my heart was thudding aggressively as if it would explode at any moment. I extended my arms as soon as I got closer to her. I gripped her hand tightly and snatched her towards me with all my force causing me to fall back harshly to the solid floor, with her body on the top of mine. Her head was resting in the crook of my neck and her hands were clutching my shirt firmly. Her breath was unsteady and so was mine. I laid there until my breath got back to its normal pace. I felt her moving and somehow she managed to sit up looking down to the ground, followed by me. "What were you doing? Are you crazy?" I screamed, still trying to get a hold of my anger. "Why did you save me?.... I want to die." She mumbled sheepishly, still looking down to the ground and I lost the control on my anger that I was holding back til now. "Look at me! You wanna die huh!.... Sure you can.... but not without giving me answers." I shook her shoulder making her looked at me, my fingers boring into her skin. She hissed and tears escape from her eyes as she squeezed them in pain. I shifted my gaze to her soulder where I held her and my eyes swelled in horror. There were dark purplish bite marks upto her neck. I rolled my eyes down her body loosening my grip and her body was covered with terrifying bruises, red scratches and scars. Before my mind could process all these things, she fell unconscious in my arms.

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