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My body moved forward haltingly the moment my eyes landed on the silver pendant which was very familiar to me. I stretched out my arm nervously and my fingertips lightly brushed against it, sending tingling sensation across my body. I blinked repeatedly as I took it from Donghae's grasp to mine and I felt my eyes almost popping out of my face when I closely observed the pendant. It was the same pendant that my mother gave me before she died. Tears threatened my eyes at the memories of my mom as I clung the pendant tightly to my chest. I opened the heart-shaped pendant with my shaking hands and almost jumped out in happiness when my eyes found the tiny portrait of me, my mother and my little sister, Rebecca, set perfectly in one of the sides of the frame but soon my smile faded away as I found a small folded paper in the other side. Confusingly I took the paper out of the frame and opened it.

"Do you like it Rhea? I hope you do. It's a small present from me to my princess. But you've been disappointing me lately and you know what I do when I get disappointed with you. So be daddy's good girl and stop disappointing me. And if you don't then next time I will make sure that you are not alive."

I couldn't read any further as my breath got hitched. I unconsciously scrunched the paper into a ball in my fist as I realised who it was exactly. It was him. Definitely it was my father. He was the only person who called me Rhea. My legs started to get all numb and I couldn't stand anymore. Before I would crush into the floor I felt two strong arms held me tightly, keeping me still in my place.

"What happened? What's in there Rheanna?" Donghae kept asking me as I fell down to the floor along with him. Words couldn't come out of my mouth as the memories of me with my dad which weren't pleasant at all, kept flooding in my mind. I kept stuttering random words as I remembered what he did to me last time. How he tortured me and left me outside the restroom to die. How can I even forgot him while he was the very reason that I was suffering now and most importantly he sold me to that monster who took my virginity, claiming me as his slave and now I was pregnant with that monster's child.

My chest felt unbearably heavy with so much unnamed emotions. I felt fear gripping my heart and mind completely as I reminded myself that he had founded me and would come for me again. Suddenly I felt breathless as I started to inhale and exhale heavily with my trembling mouth. "Are you okay? What happened? Rheanna, for god sake say something!" I heard Donghae screaming at me as he kept shaking my shoulder. I looked at him with wide eyes and tried to speak but words couldn't spit out of my mouth. I felt terrible at my vulnerability and started crying. "Rheanna!" He uttered my name one last time before holding me tightly against his chest and took the paper out my grip. Unfolding it, he read it and gently pulled me away from him only to look at me suspiciously. "Is it him?..... Your father?" He asked nervously in a whispering manner. I couldn't control myself anymore and bursted out with loud sobs.

I didn't think for once before crashing my body into him, hugging him tightly with my quivering arms. "He... He was here...He will kill me.... He knows that I am here and he will come for me." I stuttered breathlessly as I buried my face into his chest. "Shhh... It's okay... He won't-"

Donghae's POV:

"He will kill me.... He knows that I am here and he will come for me." She stuttered burying her face into my chest and my hands automatically encircled around her. "Shhh.... It's okay... He won't-"

"No it's not okay Donghae. You don't know what he's capable of doing." She cut me off, pulling away from me. "He will kill me. He will torture me until I beg him to kill me at once. I know him." She spoke as she started crawling away from me and stopped once her back hit the wall.

"Rheanna!" No response. "Rheanna!" I called her again but still there was no answer from her. She just kept looking at the empty floor horrifyingly and continued mumbling to herself. I remembered Sam told me that she was having panic attacks and prescribed some medicines to calm her down. Without wasting another minute I stood up and headed out of the room to get the medicine.

Once I found the medicine after rummaging through her bag for a good amount of time, I headed back to the room but got surprised when I couldn't find her sitting on the floor where she was at a few minutes ago. "Rheanna!" I called her as my eyes raked the room carefully. Where could she go? My shoulder tensed up as I remembered last time finding her at my terrace and she was trying to take her own life. I raked my hands through my hair anxiously and was about to go to the terrace when I heard the sound of water dripping and it was coming from the bathroom. I moved towards the bathroom and twisted the knob trying to open the door but it was locked. "Rheanna! Are you in there!" I asked knocking on the door. But got no answer. "I know you are in there. Open the door." I shouted and banged on the door when she didn't answer and at this point I was really getting scared. "Open the fucking door damnit!" I screamed banging on the door violently as the memory of her trying to jump off the building visibly danced in my eyes. It was all no use. I had to break it. "Rheanna!" I exclaimed as I started smacking my body against the door and with a few more violent attempts the door flew open. I rushed into it and instantly flinched away when I saw her body floating in the tub full of water.

"No...." I only managed to stutter while I gripped the wall tightly behind me, hitting my head subconsciously on it.

It was one of the hardest chapters for me to write >_<. Tell me how you feel about it ELFs <3

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