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Donghae's eyes got wider at the sight of his lover standing at his bedroom door frame. It was too dark to see his face but soon he slowly headed towards Donghae and stood right before him maintaining a few steps of distance between them. Donghae couldn't believe that the person he had been looking for all these months was now showing up before him just like that! Was it some kind of trick? Did Donghae finally lose his sanity and started hallucinating?

"You are.... not real." Donghae muttered in a barely audible voice as his body was washed over with pure astonishment. Donghae kept looking at the man as his black doe eyes glazed in the dim moonlight. A small grin appeared on Hyukjae's sharp jaw as if he was amused to see Donghae all startled.

"No hi or hello!" Hyukjae groaned with a hint of amusement in his tone. Donghae's body shivered when he heard his lover's voice this close after a long period of time and he couldn't believe that Hyukjae was really there, right there standing before him. His eyes scanned his face and noticed that Hyukjae too had big dark circles under his doe eyes just like him which stood out the most on his lusterless face.

"It can't be real." Donghae whispered again as his eyes couldn't believe all of it. "What's not real?" Hyukjae questioned taking a step towards him. "This?" He pointed out taking Donghae's hands in his and placing them on the sides of his own cheeks. Donghae's eyes grew wider as he finally believed that the person he was seeing before him wasn't his imagination anymore. It was really him, Hyukjae, standing right before him. He was so astounded that he didn't know what to say or how to react. "Or this?" Hyukjae asked again leaning down to Donghae's face, closing the remaining distance between them. He looked straight into Donghae's eyes which were already staring at him confusingly. Before Donghae could register what's happening, Hyukjae landed his lips on him. He snaked his arms around Donghae's bare waist and started to move his lips against him but Donghae didn't kiss him back. He just stood there as if he saw a ghost. Hyukjae pulled apart from him but kept his face close to Donghae's. "Please." Hyukjae mumbled against his lips, griping Donghae's waist tightly now.
Donghae shivered as Hyukjae's hot breath fanned his wet trembling lips.
"I- I can't." Donghae whispered back keeping his eyes shut as his voice was cracking up with all the emotions he was feeling right now. The sudden appearance of his lover really made him dumbfounded and it was all too much for him to take in at once.

"Look at me." Hyukjae groaned in a demanding voice, taking Donghae's face inbetween his palms. Donghae slowly opend his eyes just to see how dangerously close his face was to him. His breath got hitched as Hyukjae traced Donghae's bottom lip with his thumb. "I am real." Hyukjae mumbled moving his head slowly towards his lips but this time Donghae stopped him, placing his palm on Hyukjae's chest, causing a frown on his face.

"Why are you here?" Donghae asked, this time with a strong voice. "I got to know that you were looking for me, Lovebird." He answered looking straight into Donghae's eyes and entwined his fingers with Donghae's.
"Let go of me." Donghae growled shaking his hand away from Hyukjae as he tried to get out of his embrace. "Easy Lovebird." Hyukjae chuckled, scanning Donghae's body up and down. A mischievous smile spread across his face as he started to trace Donghae's abs with the back of his fingers. Shivers aroused across Donghae's body at the sudden physical contact and he closed his eyes to have a grip on himself.

"I still make you squirm under my touch. Don't I?" Hyukjae whispered in Donghae's ears, giving a gentle peck on his earlobe. "Give in to me. You know that you want me." He groaned rascally as he pushed his own body against Donghae's and his back hit the wall behind.

"How shameless can you actually be?" Donghae breathed out shakily as he tried to control himself when Hyukjae got impossibly closer to him, almost grinding his body against him. "Do you really wanna know?" A small but
devilish grin firmed on Hyukjae's full lips as he started to play with the waistband of Donghae's sweat pants. A small whimper finally escaped from Donghae's mouth as he failed to suppress all the sensation he was feeling at the moment. He was looking for Hyukjae. He knew that his heart wanted only him and finally he was here but this didn't feel right to him. He wanted him back but not like this.

"Stop your sickening game and answer me why are you here and how?" Donghae raised his voice as Hyukjae's wittiness was getting into his nerves. An abrupt seriousness appeared on Hyukjae's face as his angular face got stiffened at Donghae's question. "I don't know how to say it but...." He uttered almost like a whisper turning his back to Donghae without completing his sentence which made Donghae dead anxious.

"Say what exactly??" Donghae grilled turning Hyukjae around so that he could face him as he couldn't bear Hyukjae's silence anymore. He kept looking at the man's face, who broke his heart, for unknown period of time as his heartbeats became erratic, out of anxiousness. Hyukjae fell into his knees before Donghae and tilted his head down to the floor so that Donghae couldn't see his face and his sudden gesture did nothing but made Donghae antsier than he could ever be.

"I....I am sorry... Lee Donghae." Hyukjae murmured in a low apologetic voice but it was loud enough for Donghae to hear. "I love you and I fucked up real bad... Donghae....I fucked everything... up." was all he spouted before breaking into tears on his knees right before Donghae.

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