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Donghae woke up rubbing his eyes lazily as the sunlight blazed his delicate skin. He yawned slackly and tilted his head from side to side sitting up on the couch. He usually got neck pain whenever he slept on couch. His head was pounding violently causing him to pull his hair roughly against his scalp. He sighed deeply and got up from the couch putting aside the blanket. He headed to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee but stopped. He moved his head down and there was the girl sleeping peacefully resting her head on the edge of the couch. He cleared his throat groggily which made the girl awakened. She blinked a few times before looking up to Donghae. "I literally gave you my room to you to sleep but here you are, sleeping soundly on my couch." Donghae blatted with pure annoyance. The girl got up immediately keeping her head down in embarrassment. "I was-" before she could explain, Donghae disrupted. "I'm not interested in your clarification. Go get ready. You're going your home."

The next hour was spent in an awkward silence. None of them spoke to eachother. They quietly ate their breakfast which was made by Donghae. However, the girl kept looking at him from time to time which caught Donghae's attention. "Do you wanna say something?" Donghae asked, keeping his eyes on his bowl. She agitated a little bit. "Can you please let me stay here?"
The girl blurted out which made Donghae to look at her with wide eyes. "Please don't take me wrong." The girl spoke, her voice was strong this time. "I... Ummm...." The girl stopped right away when Donghae threw the spoon sternly on the table. He sat back leaning on the chair paying full attention to her but his face didn't reflect any kind of emotion. "You are going & that's final." He declared stiffly getting up from his chair.

None of them spoke a word to eachother as Donghae drove to the adress which the girl gave him unwillingly. The girl kept looking outside the window for the whole time. She was much paler than her usual self. Her bruises were still fresh upon which Donghae applied some ointment before leaving. "Can you please stop the car?" The girl asked breaking almost 45 minutes of silence. "Why?" Donghae interrogated, his eyes were focused on the road. "I need to use restroom." She explained, straightening her back which was aching since the morning. Donghae hummed giving her a glare through the rear mirror. Not too longer, the car was stopped infront of a public restroom and the girl hurriedly jumped out of the car. "Don't take too long." Donghae injuncted keeping his eyes straight on the road. She nodded in response and went inside the restroom.

It was already 15 minutes and she didn't return. Donghae decided to go to the rest room and drag the girl back to his car not knowing what exactly was taking her that long in there. Without wasting another minute he got out of his car and stepped into the restroom which was not crowded at all. He looked around & there was no one. Weird. He hesitantly knocked on the ladies bathroom and wished he would know her name so that it could be more easier and less awkward to find her but he didn't get any response from the other side. He scanned the room thoroughly but there was no sign of her. He hopped out of the restroom and made his way to his car with a hope that she might have returned but again, he was wrong. He literally looked for her every nearby places where she could be but didn't find any trace of her. He scratched his forehead & regretted why he let her go alone, after all the events took place yesterday. "Did she ran away?" Donghae started to think standing outside the restroom. His body tensed when he heard some groggy groans which was coming from backside of the building. He started running towards the direction where the noise was coming from and his breath got hitched as soon as he reached there & his body couldn't move any further. There was she, right infront of his eyes, lying on the ground. Her hands were tied up tightly behind her back. Her mouth was stuffed with loads of papers which were almost choking her. There were some freshly made scratches and cutmarks covering her arms. Her eyes were hazy with tears as they kept pouring out of her eyes repeatedly, which clearly showed that there was someone here. His heart almost stopped beating at the very thought of Hyukjae doing all of these. Who else could it be? That's the only person Donghae could think of at the moment. She lifted her head up sheepishly and looked at Donghae pleadingly. Her eyes reflected nothing but pain and sorrows which made Donghae's heart clenched for some reasons. He slowly moved forward and sat down right infront of her. He took the papers out of her mouth and she started coughing ferociously, tears still coming down her stained cheeks. Without taking much time Donghae hurriedly unknotted her writs and the girl squeaked in pain on the ground, whenever Donghae's hands unknowingly made a contact with her bruises during the process. "Who did this to you?" Donghae asked being horrified. "Was that him? Did...did Hyukjae did this to you?" He asked nervously placing his hand over the girl's shoulders who was now crying and panting heavily being unable to give any reply. Her eyes were red and puffy which were looking at him beseechingly. She immediately wrapped her trembling arms around Donghae's neck, which made him flinched away slightly in pure shock but the girl didn't back away.

"Ple-Please save me...." She cried clinging onto him as her body shivered in fear. "I don't wanna be killed... Please.... He will.. kill me. Please don't send me there. Please don't let me die" She begged breathlessly as she tightly held on to his shoulder as if her life was depending on it. She didn't stop crying and started blabbering some random things as if she was having panic attacks. Donghae being dumbfounded, hesitantly placed his hands on her arms and carefully rubbed them. "Calm down. You're safe now." He managed to blurt out not founding any other words to reassure her. He himself was confused about the whole situation & didn't even know if Hyukjae did this or not. He kept caressing her arms until she stopped crying and surprisingly she calmed down and fell asleep in his strong arms. He exhaled deeply and scooted her up in his arms and carefully placed her in to the backseat of his car and climbed back to his driver seat. He smacked his fist against the steering wheel as his face was burning with anger. He glanced over his shoulder one last time before driving away to nowhere, being clueless about what exactly was happening.

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