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Donghae stood up from the cold floor, his eyes were red and never leaving Hyukjae's as he kept moving towards him. He stopped in front of him keeping a few steps distance between them. He looked at his face for brief seconds. Hyukjae's eyes were darker than their usual selves. They no longer held the softness that would usually make Donghae comfortable around him. But this time there was nothing except coldness and anger. "Why Hyukjae? Why?... I loved you...I- I thought you did the same too." Donghae asked almost getting choked.   His heart was filled with so much pain and sorrow that it was getting almost impossible for him to breathe.

He looked over Hyukjae's shoulder and his already aching heart broke into million pieces. The girl he brought earlier was laying on the bed motionlessly.  Her skin was widely exposed, only the necessary parts of her body were covered with some thin matress.
It was taking everything for Donghae to not to fall apart right before Hyukjae. He wanted to scream and cry his heart out if it could lessen the pain that he was feeling at the moment. His body was trembling with anger and with the pain of betrayal, his heart was heavy with so much unnamed emotions that no words could ever explain. His whole world drifted apart right before his eyes. His fist tightened, making his veins popped out on his mascular arms. It was impossible for him to believe that the man standing infront of him was the same man whom he loved with all his heart. "You ruined everything." He groaned, voice cracking, grabbing Hyukjae by his collar. "You broke me.... No you killed me. You killed my heart, my soul...." He paused and then started again "You were my pride, my life, my everything that I could ever asked for..... But you took all these away from me Hyukjae. You.. you took away everything... You betrayed me..." He grieved, loosening his grip on his shirt. He pulled a fistful of his dark black hair roughly as fresh drops of tears streamed down his pale cheeks.

But what shocked him the most was that there was no single glimpse of emotion on Hyukjae's face. His body was relaxed, his face didn't reflect any kind emotion. No anger, no sadness, no guilt, nothing. It was like he wasn't getting affected by all the things that were happening. He remained unbothered.

"It's not over yet." Hyukjae grumbled, his voice dangerously low. He looked back to the girl laying on his bed one last time before glancing back to Donghae. "Seems like we will have fun Lovebird." He Whispered in his ear flashing  an evil smirk on his sharp face and left making Donghae completely startled.

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