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Rheanna's POV:

I wore the sapphire blue summer dress that Donghae had bought for me when I was at Sam's place. I stood infront of the large mirror and observed my appearance and to my surprise I felt kind of pretty for the first time in my life. I felt different. My face was shining. The paleness that my skin carried for all this time was no longer there. It felt good to see myself like this, being happy for real. My hands trailed up to my cheeks and stayed there without my consent where Donghae held it inbetween his rugged palms last night. I could still feel the burning sensation there and how he made my heart to do summerslots out of nowhere. Then my hands travelled down to my waist where he held me tightly against his body and let me see the vulnerable side of his. My heart pained at the sight of last night regardless of all the new feelings that I started to grow for him. I observed that my cheeks involuntarily got slightly pink at the mere thought of him. Was I blushing now and what about the stupid smile that I was flexing for no particular reason? What was happening to me? But I wanted to keep feeling in this way!

I came back to the reality all of a sudden when I heard a knock on the door. And I saw Donghae through the mirror, the person I couldn't get off my mind, entering the room hesitantly keeping his hands behind his well built body. He stood right behind me and my body tensed up all over again. Ohh god! What was going to happen now?

"Are you ready?" He asked with a low and deep voice and my mind started malfunctioning in no time when his husky voice made a contact with my over-sensitive skin. My heart beat erratically and I lost my ability to register the question that he asked me as the fragrance of his woody cologne filled my nostrils making my body all weak for him.

Before I could understand what I was saying, "will have that for dinner" was my subconscious answer to him.

"Huh??" Was his response to me in pure confusion.

Couldn't be more embarrassed. Cramming my eyes shut, I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity and dumbness as I inhaled deeply to get a hold on my weird self. "Ummm... Could you ask that again? I.... Was just... Umm... Forget that." I babbled awkwardly making myself look more of a dumb infront of him and I stared down to the floor as I was burning in pure embarassment.

"I was asking whether you are ready to go." He chuckled and I tilted my head up to see a beautiful face laced with a slight smile in amusement which only doubled his charms even more. Could he be more adorable though? I wondered as I took in this smiley Donghae before me while it lasted for a split second only. I wish he could smile more often.

"Sam is waiting outside." He informed getting back to his serious self and I missed his smiling face already. Coming back to this conversation, today was the day to fulfill the promise that I made to Donghae. I gave my words to abort it and Donghae without waiting any longer set an appointment. I took a long breath in as I felt burdensome and my hand spontaneously landed on my belly, squeezing it slightly, drawing Donghae's attention there.

"What are you thinking?" He asked suspiciously making me turned around to face him and I just remained silent as my find fogged with so many thoughts and emotions. I didn't know but it felt like I was going to do something wrong. Something which might give me a lifetime regression. Something which I couldn't figure out. "Are you... Are you thinking otherwise?" He frowned in disbelief and I shook my head to compose myself.

"No...never.... it- it's just... that I am nervous." I said not being sure of what exactly I was feeling at the moment and why my heart was hesitating. Shoving his hand into his pant pocket, he pulled out the pendant that we found the other day. Leaning closer to my face, he slided my hair to the other side and I stopped breathing when his hands went past my shoulder and made contact with my neck. Suddenly, I felt my legs going all weak as his hot breath landed on my skin. I forgot about the insecurities and hesitation that I was feeling few seconds ago as I rested my temple on his shoulder subconsciously while he hooked the pendant around my neck. No words could ever express how it felt. How secured and protected I felt just being around him. "I hope it will give you strength." He mumbled making my heart all fluttered for him.

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