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It takes exactly four and a half seconds for Gabe to remember where he is when he first wakes up. It takes an extra two seconds of him staring at the cement ceiling to remember how he got here—disoriented memories from the previous night rushing over him like a tidal wave—and it's all because of that curly haired nigga on the other side of the cell. Gabriel sits up, groaning slightly from discomfort, the cold hard bench isn't the most luxurious option as a bed. Gabe leans his head back against the wall, closing his eyes for a second, and realizing for the first time that he's still pretty drunk. If his parents found out about this, about him being arrested at a party and taken to jail, they would kill him and probably pull him out of school, all because of that dumbass.

"Jarstin," Gabe says, kicking the bench the other male was laying on, mostly to be petty. "Wake the fuck up."

Jarstin feels everything, but his body is too heavy for him to move. Things have been shotty since he'd felt the cold cuffs against his wrist, but the ride here and the stiff bench don't help the fact that everything still feels like it's spinning. He tap dances on the line of consciousness, slipping back and forth until the hard jolt of Gabe's foot against the bench has his eyes fully opening, mind forced to stay conscious. They're normally bright—Jarstin's eyes—a piercing yellow that sifts through all of its shades depending on his mood. A phenomenon that usually has everyone staring, but with the amount of liquor still in him, they look drained, the color of pale daffodils.

"Oh shit..." He groans, lifting up his branded purple tank to wipe his face. The remnants of last night flash at him behind low lidded eyes. "We still locked up?"

As soon as those yellow eyes are opened, Gabe can already feel his intense dislike—hatred even?—rise as he runs a hand over his face in exasperation. "Yeah, we still locked up." Gabe says indignantly. "What the fuck it look like?" At that, he gestures to the bars of the jail cell door. He doesn't know how long they've been asleep, so he also doesn't know how long their mandatory twelve hour hold is left.

"You know, we wouldn't even be here if you had just done what I said." Gabe says, already pointing the blame at Jarstin, even though he briefly remembers blaming it all on him plenty of times in the backseat of the cop car when they were being brought here. He can still feel the cold bite of the handcuffs on his wrists and sneer looks the cops gave the two of them. "If they try to press charges, I'm straight snitching on your ass."

"Aye, watch ya tone lil nigga, I just asked a question." Jarstin says with a roll of his eyes, standing up to move towards the bars. There aren't many officers around, but if he was to do anything off the wall he knows he would be surrounded in a matter of seconds. He flicks his eyes to the clock to try and figure out the duration of their stay, but like Gabe, he has no idea when they got in here. Jarstin keeps his gaze forward until Gabe opens his mouth. He turns towards him. "Me?! You was the one actin' a fuckin' fool. Snitch on me if you want to. Please do it. I dare you."

"Watch my tone? Who do you think you are my damn daddy?" Gabe questions, eyebrows raised as he scoffs and shakes his head. Why didn't he just quit while he was ahead last night? Then he wouldn't be in this position right now with the dude at the top of his rivalry list. It was ridiculous to say the least, what had he done to deserve to be in this predicament? "Why you getting loud?" Gabe says through gritted teeth, still feeling dazed and a little disoriented from the intoxication, but he isn't too drunk to tell Jarstin to shut the fuck up. "I'm not trying to get into any more trouble than we're already in because you in here acting an ass." Gabe finishes with a challenge. "And if I did snitch on you, what would you even do about it?"

"I might as well be, since you in here acting like a whole child and givin' lip and shit." The omega snaps back. When his fists clench, he can feel pain shoot up from his knuckles, not only was the party wild, the fight that ended it was even crazier. With a grunt of irritation, Jarstin takes a step forward, eyes starting to glow brighter with his agitated mood. Moving around so much irritates his stomach almost as soon as he takes a step forward, the sudden motion trying to force last night's contents up his throat. He swallows it back down and shudders, eyes still on Gabe. "Snitch on me and I'll replay last night. You'll get to experience that shit live and in tha flesh."

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