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AJ stands at the laptop that's connected to the speakers, scrolling through playlists to try to find the right song to fit the mood at the moment. There aren't a whole lot of people at the block party yet, but there's already enough to get a vibe going. Besides, he's using the DJ table as a fortress to stay far away from Keisha tonight. Luckily, she's working the AKA table where they're collecting cans and donations, so maybe he won't have to have that talk with her and ruin both of their nights.

AJ finally finds the right song, switching over to it, and letting his eyes scan the crowd until they fall on Starfox's tall, broad frame in the midst. AJ involuntarily licks his lips, heart skipping a beat or two, before he finally looks away.

Stop it. That's your best friend. Don't fuck it up. Don't fuck it up. Don't fuck it up.

-- -- --

Meanwhile, Gabe is just rolling up, Big Gulp cup already full of liquor--Apple Crown and Sprite. It's been a long week, and he's just trying to unwind. Gabe arrives at the AKA table set up at the front, dropping his couple of canned goods off to Keisha. When he's about to walk away, Keisha stops him and pulls him aside. Oh, hell.

"What's up?" Gabe asks her, sipping from his cup and hoping that he's not about to get dragged into the middle of whatever it is that she and AJ have going.

"I need you to do me a favor." Keisha says. "AJ is great, but he's not a great gift giver. He got his mama a loofah for Christmas one time and thought it was the greatest present ever. Regardless, I know you have a bit more... style... than AJ does. I just need you to make sure he gets me a good birthday present."

Is she trying to say I'm more gay than AJ?

"Birthday present? Since when--"

"We're together now. I think." Keisha says. "Look, regardless, just make sure he gets me a good gift. Also, you and Jarstin are invited to my kickback, I don't know what the two of you are doing, but you're more than welcome."

"Thanks?" Gabe says as she turns on her heel and walks away, and he finally walks into the party, eyes immediately searching for Jarstin. Just as the Omega had predicted, Gabe's mind had been on him all afternoon. When he was supposed to be taking notes in class, he found himself absentmindedly doodling a J. Even though Jarstin is a distraction, he's a welcome distraction, a fun one, somebody that really knows how to take the stress away. When Gabe locks eyes with AJ, he looks away quickly, assuming that Starfox had told him what happened today in the student union. The last thing he wants to happen tonight is AJ being on his case.

-- -- --

Starfox has been out all day, picking up last minute supplies during the decorating and setting up process, making sure the speakers have power, spreading himself evenly over the groups that ask for his assistance. He only gets about a half hour to himself to shower and change. He takes about three shots worth of Jarstin's Henney and makes his way to the party early to make sure everything is ready.

Unaware of AJ's eyes on him, he's currently at the AKA table now, donating the entire box full of canned goods he picked up at the grocery store earlier.

"Damn, Starfox, did you buy out the whole grocery store?" One of the AKAs says as Starfox drops off the box of canned goods, more so watching the way his muscles flex as he puts the box down. Her expression immediately turns flirty, even going so far as to touch and squeeze his bicep with a little laugh.

"I just got as much as the box would hold without breaking." He's always got a warm smile when he's around the girls, and donating things to people in need will always be something that makes him happy. Since Starfox took over as president, the Alpha Chapter's community service has gone up. And of course, forcing his brothers to do extra community service like a drill sergeant is always fun too. He leans into her touch playfully, irises landing on the smaller girl as she speaks. "I do my best. Black people can do prodigious things when we move in harmony."

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