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Starfox is really starting to feel it now. Along with the magic of the music, he lets his hands glide up Khalid's body, brushing past the Alpha's slowly hardening nipples and then sliding right back down. He's at the point where there's a very vivid mental picture of being balls deep inside him, forcing his face into pliable mattress. A very dirty thought on Starfox's part, but he doesn't dare mention it out loud. He chooses to let his hands travel further south instead, fingertips slipping just between his pants and his underwear. He feels the young alpha's body tense up as he makes his intentions known and triggers the man to turn around.

Soon enough, Khalid is leaning his head upwards to meet Starfox's eyes in the shifting lights. It's actually a beautiful scene, with the violet-blue hues of light that forces anything white or bright colored to invert its colors. There are dark hands dipping past waistbands and Khalid gets a nice look at what Starfox is working with when he glides his hand up the Omega's inner thigh. "My dorm room is close... my car is even closer."

Starfox looks mildly amused, but intrigued nonetheless. "You're inviting me over and you haven't even kissed me yet? What if I was a garbage kisser?"

Khalid gives him a skeptical look.

"What? I'm just saying..." He nears his face, eyes flicking down to Khalid's lips. "Isn't it better to know?"

Khalid shakes his head with a chuckle. "You give serious daddy vibes."

Olivier grins and ducks his head down to go in for the kiss, he's just about to crash their lips together and rock Khalid's world, but the kiss never comes... he looks up and gets completely caught off guard when AJ is standing there.

Khalid takes AJ's expression and stance in stride, smiling as if he's not noticeably shorter than the both of them. "Cutting in? Why? Don't you gotta girl to be out here dancing with?"

That almost kiss is what really sets him off. If it hadn't been Starfox that initiated it, AJ might've set the whole party on fire. Luckily, though, he doesn't have to see their lips touch, because then he's distracting them both. Good. AJ would've hated to have to rock this lil nigga shit tonight.

AJ doesn't expect the shorter male to say anything, he just assumes he will walk away like he did the last time. Maybe it's the drink that's got him feeling bold, but that's alright—AJ has something for boldness. Still though, AJ shoots Starfox a look, eyebrows raised slightly. You gon' get ya new boo thang?

"Yeah, cutting in. Thass what I said, lil nigga." AJ says, voice deep and crisp, the same tone he uses with pledges. It's demanding, dominant, laced with I wish ya would try me, and just below that is a layer of threatening. It's the voice he built when he built his body, it was a package deal with the emotional walls he built up. AJ steps up to him, eyes cutting over to Starfox for a second before he turns them down on the Alpha. He might be shorter than AJ, but they definitely go toe-to-toe in the muscle department. Still, AJ isn't backing down. "Ain't ya got some of your own business to mind?"

-- -- --

Jarstin laughs, but it's not incriminating at all. It's a slow, seductive one that represents all the dirty thoughts running through his brain. His voice sounds like a warning, eyebrow cocking when Gabe starts to grind against him and direct his hand—it curls right into the meat of Gabe's thigh, sliding up to find his package and grab onto it. Jarstin doesn't care who's eyes are on him. "Be careful baby boy, don't forget this still a que party. I will put you on mah shoulders and give you the best head of ya life in front of all these people."

It doesn't take long for Gabe to start getting hard, and he's hard as rock as soon as he feels Jarstin's hand sliding up to grab him through his pants. Jarstin's voice, low and seductive and almost haunting, rings in his ear—a warning that Gabe wants to see through. Forget everyone else around them, right now Gabe is consumed by this moment, his attention completely honed in on the body behind him.

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