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Gabe crosses his arms across his chest, waiting until his taillights disappear. "Don't listen to him, Jarstin. I know what this is, okay? I don't expect anything from you but dick when I want it."

Jarstin doesn't shift his gaze like he wants to, he hides whatever weird pang just lit up his gut at Gabriel's words. He rolls his eyes. "You think I give a fuck about what that lil boy gotta say about me? Ain't e'em bothered." But he is. He's so bothered, and he can't figure out why.

He's about to walk right past Gabe into the Kappa house but he lets their shoulders bump, eyes cornering. "Fa future reference though, I know you got this shit figured, you a grown ass man, but if you ever need sum'n, I'm here."

It's Gabe's turn to hide a pang now, eyes flicking up to look at Jarstin, there's a brief pause on the Kappa's end as he mulls over the words before nodding. "Yeah. Same goes for you." Gabe says, licking his lips before he turns on his heel to follow Jarstin back into the house.

"So, do we need to go to the police station now to clear your name? I mean, I think you'll want to put a shirt on first." Gabe says playfully, patting Jarstin on the chest before breezing by him to grab his car keys. It's a good thing he didn't drive to the block party. "We can pick your car up on the way back through."

"I guess so..." He's just about to pick up his shirt from the back of Gabe's chair, but instead, he leaves it and turns around to find Gabe's eyes. "... Or we could just wait until they come 'round in tha' mornin'. I kinda wanted to just... chill witchu tonight."

Gabe's gaze meets Jarstin's, and he shrugs nonchalantly—even though there's nothing else he'd rather do. "Okay." Gabe says, licking his lips before sitting down at the foot of his bed, untying his shoes and taking them off. "So, are you going to tell me what else you can do or am I just going to wait until the next time something wild is happening and be surprised?"

Jarstin breaks the five feet rule again, sitting on the bed next to Gabe. "I mean, I ain't gotta list or nuffin', whatever happens just be happenin'. It's just speed and electricity as far as I know. An' if you make any Flash jokes I'ma give you a fuckin' wedgie."

Gabe scoots away from Jarstin, giving him a teasing look, and then rolling his eyes. "Please, the Flash isn't even what you are. It's more like if the Flash and Black Lightning had a baby or something. You'd get a Jarstin." Gabe says with a chuckle, looking down at his fingers for a moment. "So, are you secretly a vigilante and I just don't know it, or was that the first time you'd ever used them like that?"

"It was my first time." He chuckles, looking down at his hands too. "I mean, I've done stuff before, learned to run on water and control the shit plugged into the wall around me, but pulling energy from the city felt like... like I was invincible or some shit, like I could fuckin' do anything I wanted." He flashes back to the moment, seeing everything move so slowly around him. "That policeman was pullin' out his gun on AJ and Starfox... and I stopped it. We coulda lost one of them tonight..."

"Wait a minute. Backtrack. You can run on water? If my parents could see that they'd swear you're the second coming of Jesus." Gabe says with a laugh, then he pauses and shoots Jarstin a serious look. "'re not Jesus are you? I don't know how I'd feel if I knew I've been fucking Jesus." Gabe shudders at the thought, shaking his head before sighing and looking back at Jarstin.

Jarstin watches Gabe go though what he can only categorize as the equivalent of suddenly getting to the weird part of Youtube. He blinks once and then parts his lips to respond, voice dropping to a deadpan tone so his sarcasm can fill the space between them. "Hell yeah, I'm fasho Jesus. Without a doubt. Our names don't start with a 'J' fa nothin'--no wonder this dick be havin' you on cloud 9."

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