bonus content. { 08.21.2018 }

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A/N: So, this morning we decided to do a quick one shot in celebration of Jarstin's birthday. So this little piece is set back like eight months before the beginning of the book (April 2019), it's the party that Jarstin and Gabe first meet at. 78% of this morning consisted of cackling at the fact that we don't remember Gabe's girlfriend's name. Anyway, enjoy this little Garstin one shot, and of course--Happy birthday to our favorite (the actual worst 🙄) unfriendly neighborhood fucknigga, Jarstin!


Jarstin Forwood feels electric currents running through his body, his eyes are sharp gold, excitement running through them--and it takes more of an exertion of his will power to keep the sparks from dancing along the borders of his irises. Static Shock. What a fitting line name he'd been given--not that anybody knows how relevant it actually is. He's good and high off of the rush that comes with becoming a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Just like anybody else who knows what it feels like to have just crossed, he's feeling himself. Except it is amplified, because today is his birthday. And he's a Leo.

"This shit so legit bro." Bash--Troublemaker says next to him, a purple solo cup full of liquor in his hand and a smirk on his features as they look around the party. The Virginia native had been Jarstin's roommate in the dorms before they got the offer to move into the house. "We finna turn all the way up." Too Short's 'Blow The Whistle' fuels the energy with the boost of bass and high energy beat running through the house.

"Hell yeah," Jarstin replies with a grin on his features. He's got his gaze panning across the hot, busy room, taking in the craziness and enjoying every second of it. For a second, his eyes land on Starfox leaning against the stairs and talking to an Iota. Jarstin downs his cup and taps Troublemaker on the chest so he can nod towards the dance floor. "Let's get on this floor and catch some ass."

Troublemaker follows suit, tossing his cup in the trash too. "My nigga you just read my mind!"

It doesn't take too long for Jarstin and Sebastian to get some girls to dance with, and the more he moves and gets into the music, the more this cute ass AKA returns the favor. Jarstin has to hold her hips while she grinds up against him, and he wishes he had a wall behind him to keep his balance. He gets his wish quickly, though the wall isn't as sturdy as he'd like it to be because it's a person. He turns around and pauses for a moment to look at the man in crimson who he'd bumped into.

Any other person would mumble at least an 'excuse me', or a 'my bad' or utter some kind of apology. Jarstin goes, "Damn you fine."

Summer in Mississippi is always boring. It was hard to return home after a thrilling first year at Howard University, and — even though he didn't look forward to being back in classes — he was counting down the days until he was able to return and finally move into the Kappa house.

He was also looking for an excuse to wear his retro Kappa cardigan that he'd bought, and a party at the Omega house was just the function he was looking for. He wears it well, as he does anything that he puts on his body, and there's a light buzz that elevates the good time he's having. Even better? He's got the girl of his dreams (or so he assumes) right there at his side.

Gabe's got a beaming smile on his face, all of his features lit up, and his hands sliding down her sides to her hips as she grinds back against him. Gabe's got his chin resting right on her shoulder, lips pressing to the space right behind her ear, hyper-aware of the public display of sexually-charged affection that his parents would find absolute abhorrent. They swear this little fraternity think is a piss-pot of sin, but Gabe's slowly finding himself — his true self — doused in crimson.

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