q + a.

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Disclaimer: The characters answered their own questions, so if they offend any of you it's no fault of the authors'. We're merely vessels for the muses.

We will be alternating between characters so that it's not a bulk of one character answering questions, but instead them sprinkled throughout. The questions are in bold and the answers are in plain font.

To help with the visual, we just imagined the characters sitting on a panel all together.

Questions for the Authors

"How do y'all write it? Do y'all split it up by chapter or do something else?" (From @ThiccPersuasion)

CullenKing: So, @thankmelautner and I originally write this story as a roleplay. And roleplay is always the hardest thing for me to try to put into words to explain to people who aren't familiar with it. Basically, it's just collaborative writing. Essentially, we both write our own characters. For example, I write Gabe, AJ, Eden, Keisha, and Travis, and TML writes Jarstin, Starfox, Troublemaker, Khalid and Freddy. We just write our characters back and forth, which is why some of the book can feel a bit repetitive at times.
ThankMeLautner: ^^^ That part.

"What was y'all's inspiration for the story?" (From @ThiccPersuasion)

TML: Beychella.
CK: ^^^ she's our inspiration for life, period.

"Who's y'all's favorite character and why?" (From @ThiccPersuasion)

CK: My favorite character hands down is Starfox, but I think he's everybody's favorite character. TML just does such an amazing job with him, and there are layers to Olivier that haven't even been introduced to you yet that makes me love him even more. He's the epitome of a man and I wish nothing but happiness in that man's fictional life. You didn't ask this, but my least favorite character has and always will be Jarstin Forwood. If you agree, please sign up for the weekly newsletter at www.jarstinforwoodsucks.com. However, Freddy pulls up at a very, very close second for me. Y'all haven't seen much of Freddy yet, but he's also my husband. He's also played by thankmelautner, so I guess what I'm saying here is I stan for thankmelautner.
TML: My favorite character is Gabe, y'all be hoeing him in the comments like you ain't never been dickmatized by a fuck nigga before, saw the red flags and ignored them anyway. 😂😂 He's stupid sometimes but he's just trying to find his way (and deserves better than Jarstin's MF ass) and pass these classes and fall in love and I can't help but stan.

"How did writing and still developing this story affect your lives?" (From @theeofficialtwan)

TML: It took over my life in the best way. Y'all already know CK is a damn good writer, so I'm always at the drawing board thinking about things when I'm on my way to work and stuff, always trying to better myself as a writer and a character player, always trying to impress him.
CK: RT all of what he just said^. I love to hate all of these niggas we've created lmao. Jarstin I hate the most though.

"Is this story based on true events? (Without the superpowers of course)" (From @theeofficialtwan)

TML: Not for me.
CK: Nope. The universe itself, even without the powers, is a little bit of a utopian one. I wish toxic masculinity wasn't the way it was, especially in the black community, and there could be a bunch of fine ass gay/bi/pan niggas who were out and proud and not afraid to be themselves in public settings.

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