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AJ still holds the paddle in his hand, and smirking as he looks at Starfox. Eyeing the noticeable bulge in the other's shorts, and still mad that he didn't get to swallow his cum earlier, AJ discreetly brushes the paddle against the outline of the other's dick, leaning over to whisper. "You know what? Why don't we make this even more interesting? If Jarstin gets in Gabe's guts by the end of the week, I'll let you in mine. But, if you're wrong, and Gabe keeps his shit locked tight," Now, AJ moves the paddle from Starfox's dick to his ass, "then I'm gonna be rearranging yours."

Starfox almost thinks that it's a mistake until he hears the man's whisper. Subtly, he leans his crotch forward and makes his dick jump against the board, eyes still on Jarstin and Gabe. He's expecting for AJ to raise the stakes in the way that he does, they used to bet like this on the game. Starfox's team was always and undeniably the Saints until the NFL decided to be out and proud with their racism--now he begrudgingly watches the games because it's kind of a hard habit to break. What he isn't expecting is AJ to propose topping if Gabe holds out. He bites his lip at the thought and then slaps hands with AJ, accepting the deal without too much thought. "Pshh, my boy Static has this in the bag. Gabe's pretty little ass is about to be grass."

"Yeah, we'll see." AJ says with a smirk, finally pulling the paddle back to his own side, licking his lips before his eyes search out Gabe again. The smaller male was working hard, harder than he had been in the beginning, and AJ chalks it up to the anger.

-- -- --

It seems like it only gets hotter now that Gabe is angry, even though it's ebbing away slowly, he still can't help but keep his jaw clenched tight anytime a customer isn't looking at him. When they are though, he pretends that scrubbing the dead bugs off of the front of their car is the highlight of his life. "Just a few more hours, Gabe." Gabe says softly to himself, scrubbing at the bug blood and guts hard. "Just a few more hours and all of this will be over with." Of course, they all have the actual event to get through as well, but at least he can take some time away from Jarstin between.

Why do they always have to do labor intensive things with their hands? It's like the toothbrush scrubbing aches come back the more cars Jarstin cleans. By 5pm he's hungry and tired and he's annoyed, irises run down to a pale yellow as he looks around the car wash, making his way over to Starfox with a lazy grin on his features.

The que president inclines his head, as he approaches. "Don't smile at me like that boy. I should've laid your ass out on that pavement earlier." Starfox looks generally annoyed at Jarstin, very much not amused, but he can't help but be proud. They cleaned a lot of cars today--by themselves.

AJ walks over to Gabe just as he finishes up the last car, collects the money, and sends them politely on their way. AJ puts a hand on Gabe's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. "Good work, kid." He says, reaching into Gabe's pocket and slipping the wad of money out. "I don't know what you and Jarstin got going," AJ says, flipping through the bills and counting in his head, "but y'all really need to work that shit out. I'll see you later, Gabe."

Gabe watches as AJ walks away, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Even though he got in trouble, he still can't help but feel accomplished today. They did get a lot done. For the first time since Starfox and AJ pulled them apart, Gabe turns his gaze to Jarstin, and wonders if maybe they could be friends. Then he remembers how thick the tension is between them, and he can't help but feel like it's all going to come to head in the worst way possible.

By the time they finish up, Jarstin realizes he'd worked the vast majority of his attitude out, or maybe he's just too tired. His limbs feel like cement after baking in the heat while working so hard. He's been outside long enough to have a tan, the sun has brought out a deeper, more layered skin tone, highlighting his red undertones and making him very brown. Despite their paleness, it makes his eyes pop even more than they normally do.

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