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It rolls off of Gabe in waves, his desperation. Even in the midst of the very distracting lips against his neck, Jarstin knows that Gabe is just as impatient as he is for him to get inside. The touch of the Kappa's hand to his dick has his breath hitching, he'd avoided touching himself because he was already so hard, he didn't want to relieve any of all the built-in pleasure within him, he wanted to save it all for when he dives inside. Gabriel's voice is in his ear, the only thing that cuts through the lulling sound of the rain outside, occasional claps of thunder that make his eyes pulse in brightness when the bass drops.

Gabe is pulling him closer and Jarstin lets it happen. He flicks his eyes downward, one hand gripping his base so he can find the most forgiving spot between Gabe's cheeks. With deepening breaths, Jarstin feels his entrance swallow around his head, he pushes forward, taking his hand off of his dick to instead splay his hand on the bed beside Gabe's head for support, the other gripping his thigh tight as he sinks deeper into him. "Foutre..." Fuck... The French curse falls from his lips as his whole body feels the euphoric effects of spreading Gabe's walls apart and burying his stiff, throbbing length inside him until his pelvis is right up against Gabe, fully connecting their bodies.

There's goosebumps on Gabe's skin as the moment draws nearer, the condom is on, his ass is lubed up, and now he knows that's there's no turning back now. Part of him wonders if he should really go through with this, but the doubts ebb away as soon as he feels that mushroom shaped head pressing against his entrance. The goosebumps seem to sprout goosebumps, and every inch of his skin feels like it's on fire as lightning strikes and thunder rolls outside, rain pelting hard against the window, but Gabe is too far gone to even worry about the storm outside. They could be in the middle of a hurricane or an earthquake or Armageddon for that matter and the only thing that would be on his mind is Jarstin.

As soon as his hole gives way, the head of Jarstin's dick starting to stretch him open, a hiss escapes Gabe, blunt nails digging into Jarstin's shoulder and the back of his neck, tugging at his curls as he feels the burn and sting of the stretch. Though it hurts, he revels in the pain, toes spreading as Jarstin sinks deeper and deeper inside of him. A gasp escapes him as soon as Jarstin bottoms out, and he's throbbing deep inside of him.

Wait a second.

Did this nigga just speak...French? That sound alone might just make Gabe cum, his dick still hard and throbbing between their bodies, precum leaking onto his stomach like a leaky faucet. Gabe's eyes stay glued on Jarstin, even though it's hard to keep them open, as lightning strikes it illuminates Jarstin's face even more and it seems like the strike is reflected in those yellow eyes. Hypnotic. "Shit, nigga..." Gabe finally breathes, he hadn't realized he had been holding his breath, but as soon as he exhales it escapes him as a shaky moan.

Jarstin hasn't even moved his hips yet and he wants to take off the fucking condom. As if the way his insides hold his dick isn't good enough, Gabe makes sure his body is alight with every bit of pleasure when he feels the nails digging into the meat of his shoulder. He licks his lips and dips his head low, kissing at Gabe's neck while he starts to move his hips. Giving slow strokes at first, Jarstin grinds down into Gabe, tantalizing movements that allow his body to relax around him.

The que layers kisses all along the left side of Gabe's throat, kissing up his jaw and then pressing their lips together. He licks inside Gabe's mouth, sliding his tongue against Gabe, moaning into his mouth as he still tastes remnants of Gabe's nut from earlier. He picks up on his tempo and stretches out his strokes, pulling more dick out than before and letting it glide back in. "Damn, you feel so good." He mutters messily, weaving words between the kiss, soft creaks of the bed getting lost in the bass of the thunder outside.

Everything Jarstin is doing to his body feels so good it should be a sin, and he hasn't even moved his hips yet. Who knew dick could feel like crack? Gabe knew people would get dickmatized by Jarstin, and Gabe didn't think that was a real thing until now. The way it throbs inside of him, buried to the hilt, has Gabe constricting around him, wanting to keep him locked inside forever. Gabe's nails drag down the skin of Jarstin's shoulder as soon as he starts to move his hips in the slightest, and he wants to make a comment about the French, but when he opens his mouth the only thing that comes out is a low, long moan.

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