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AJ does feel liberated. Finally, he feels like he can breathe, and he didn't even realize that he'd been holding this breath all of his life. Letting Starfox in, letting him in completely, has been the most freeing thing that AJ has ever experienced. Already, he feels lighter. He feels happier. He feels loved. Starfox's love is the strongest he's ever experienced, and he doesn't want to ever lose a love like this one. When Starfox rolls them, he chuckles softly, folding his arms beneath his head and laying on them, turning his face to the side so that he can breathe properly as Starfox starts to give him a massage.

A sigh of content slips past his lips, his muscles visibly relaxing beneath the skilled hands, a smile still on his lips because damn he could get used to this. AJ grins, lifting his hips to make it easier for the other man to get him naked. "I'll do all of that but the tacky Halloween costumes. I'm drawing the line there, nigga." AJ says, even though it won't take much convincing from Starfox to have him dressed up in something as crazy as a tutu. AJ will do any and everything for this man.

Starfox laughs, already in his head cooking up the couple outfits they could wear come Halloween. "AJ, you don't have a choice in the matter. That's the deal breaker. I wouldn't want to have to force you, love." Olivier's playful words take on a distinct suggestive tone towards the end.

AJ gives a roll of his hips at the nickname, rolling his ass back against Starfox's mouth, moaning softly when he feels those perfect lips right against the tight ring of muscle. "Okay, daddy." AJ adds teasingly, thinking of all the situations--and positions--that he could get himself in to with Starfox trying to force him into some clothing. "I'm definitely coming over for a full body rub too, with a happy ending if you know what I mean."

Starfox also finds himself grinning at the nickname. It's good to hear that bit of submission, so he can bring it back up when October actually comes around. He plans on still having to pin AJ down about it (possibly literally) but they'll cross that bridge when they get to it.

The Omega slides his hands between AJ's cheeks and pulls them apart to expose his hole, he kisses softly against the man's cheeks before pressing his lips right against his entrance. He doesn't bother using his tongue yet, Olivier is a patient man, he loves to take his time. "I can make that happen. Without a doubt." He replies softly, every kiss gets a little wetter every time his lips touch down on AJ's skin, kissing along every inch and softening his skin even further. If given the chance, he could just sit up and eat on AJ's ass the rest of the night and be content. 

"What if I wanna be here all the time? Wake up with ya every morning. Kiss you before we go to class or work. Come back and fall asleep in ya arms and do it all over again." AJ says, picturing what their days would look like, as if they were already married. That's all he wants. That's all he needs. Consistency. Normalcy. A gasp escapes him as Starfox kisses between his crack, biting down on his bottom lip, and pushing his ass back against Starfox's face to silently ask for more.

As he's covering him with kisses, he gives that booty a nice squeeze, fingers dipping into his tawny flesh, making them brush against the sides of his face. Starfox has no qualms with AJ spending all his time here, at this point it would've been him over there or AJ over here anyway. "I'm definitely down with that." AJ knows how much of a cuddle monster Starfox is, even in high school he didn't let him go too far when they feel asleep on the floor or in the bed with the PS2 still on, he'd always find a way to keep their body parts touching if they weren't already in a knot of limbs. "I would try to do a lot more than just kiss you before class and work... and that means you might have to get up a little earlier."

Starfox is teasing him. AJ is one of the least patient people you will ever meet in your life, but he's going to let Starfox do whatever he wants to do and take however long he wants to take. The Kappa knows exactly how good his man can make him feel. God, calling him his man his never going to get old. AJ lets one of his feet brush against Starfox's body, pushing at the hem of his shirt.

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