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"You sure you only 22? With all that facial hair?!" The woman asks, checking out Jarstin in her sideview mirror as he finishes up the rim detailing and making sure the silver trim shines.

He laughs, yellow eyes meeting hers. "Yes ma'am."

"These lil young boys, out here built like grown men!" This woman is the most auntiest auntie he has ever met. He can't help but laugh a little harder, hand over his stomach as he tries to get himself to calm down.

"You all set, ma. Enjoy ya day."

She hands him a $10 tip, but reaches down to stick it between the waistband of his shorts and his underwear. "Whew chile! Thanks baby!" She fans herself and Jarstin waves as she pulls off, inviting the next car. While it's loading in, he turns around and gets the end of AJ's reprimand towards Gabe's work. Jarstin's first thought is to laugh, but he refrains in favor of keeping his composure, eyeing Gabe's salute towards his president. He doesn't say anything to the look that AJ gives him, just gives the man a mischievous smirk and the slight incline of his head.

-- -- --

Starfox had moved from his spot completely unnoticed when AJ went over to go talk to Gabe. He smirks when he sees the Kappa turn around the corner, closing the distance between them. "You are ruthless to those boys..." He mumbles amusedly, arms crossed over his massive chest. "You sure you're not a dawg underneath all that crimson and cream?"

"That's because they my sons. I gotta raise 'em right." AJ says, smirking at Starfox. "Nigga, did you come back here to talk or did you come back here to get some head?" With that, AJ wastes no time, slipping his hand beneath the elastic waistband of Starfox's shorts and underwear, and grabbing his dick, raising his eyebrows at the other male.

Starfox just chuckles at AJ, licking the corner of his mouth as the man digs right into his shorts. "I can talk all I want, you're the one that's about to have a busy mouth." He says, eyes looking down at the point of connection, reveling in the sensation of his dick fattening up in AJ's hand. He decides to help AJ along, tugging down his cargos to his thighs. As for his underwear, AJ will have to take those off himself.

-- -- --

While Jarstin had plenty of flirtatious girls and women just waiting to have their car washed by him, Gabe was dealing with picky old people and an asshole in a business suit who—ironically—was driving a Prius. Was he getting tips? Tips on how he could do a better job, sure, but nothing in the realm of monetary currency. By the time he's on his fifth car, fingers start to cramp as he shines the chrome rims of an Escalade, he's completely fed up. Gabe looks around, wondering where AJ disappeared off to. At least he doesn't have the president watching him intensely anymore, and he's glad too, because he can't help but smile when a Chevy Silverado, lifted off the ground, and decked out like only a rich country white boy's truck would be.

The driver's side window rolls down, and there sits Travis James Oliver Winthrop III, the finest white boy Gabe's ever laid his eyes on. Travis grins as Gabe walks over to him, stepping up on the running board to get high enough. "Hey."

"Your truck looks pretty clean to me." Gabe replies with a smile.

"Oh, yeah, nobody touches my truck but me." Travis replies.

"Then why are you here?" Gabe questions.

"To see you, duh." Travis says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out money. "And to donate to a good cause." Gabe goes to reach for the money, but Travis pulls it back from his reach. "Nah, where my kiss at?"

Gabe playfully rolls his eyes, scanning to make sure AJ is nowhere around, and then leaning forward to give Travis a lingering kiss. Gabe pulls away, taking the money with a smile. "I'll text you later."

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