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Gabe lets himself linger in the tenderness of this very moment. When he feels his heart strings being tugged at by the moment, he immediately snaps out of it, clearing his throat awkwardly before standing up from the bed and crossing the room to his dresser. "Look, if you're gonna be chilling here tonight, and probably inevitably sleeping here too, you gotta wash your nasty ass before you get in my bed." Gabe digs around and finds some shorts, tossing them at Jarstin and then leaning against the dresser. The sweetness of the moment earlier is gone, completely eradicated by the Kappa, because once again he had to remind himself that it's Jarstin he's talking to.

Jarstin holds the shorts out in front of him after he catches them, Gabe is a whole size smaller than he is, but he takes what he can get. "Yo house, yo rules." Not that he ever abides by that statement, he just doesn't mind wearing Gabe's shorts.

"Those might not fit just right but they'll work, right?" Gabe questions, raising his eyebrows in the Que's direction, and he adds the last part with a teasing, playful, and borderline flirty grin. "But you should feel special. I usually don't let dawgs sleep in the bed."

"Oh, so you was just finna have me on the floor? Aren't y'all pretty boys supposed to be the nice ones?" He stands up from the bed to and moves over to Gabe, undressing right in front of him without breaking eye contact. He's already shirtless, next are his pants, and then his underwear and then his socks. He throws Gabe's shorts over his shoulder and smirks at him before brushing past the Kappa to make his way into the bathroom. The squeak of the knobs and then the flow of the water sounds off.

He leaves the door open on purpose.

When Jarstin holds the shorts out, it's easy to see the size difference. The Omega would probably look kind of cute in too tight shorts, and a smile spreads across Gabe's lips at the thought. It slowly fades away as Jarstin stripes naked in front of him. Gabe swallows thickly, licking his lips as he keeps his eyes locked with Jarstin's, not wanting them to dart anywhere below the neck. "You were gonna be on the floor if you were dirty." Gabe says with a smile, watching as Jarstin disappears into the bathroom, and the Kappa takes note of the open door.

Licking his lips, he tries to tell himself not to follow. He can wait his turn. He doesn't have to get in the shower with Jarstin—though the thought of it is way too appealing not to. "Fuck it." Gabe mutters under his breath, pulling off his basketball jersey and dropping it to the floor, losing his other clothes as he walks to the bathroom. Gabe pokes his head in through the shower curtain, taking a look at the way the water rolls down Jarstin's back for a moment before speaking. "I'm not gonna get electrocuted if I get in there with you, am I?"

Jarstin turns to look at him over his shoulder, even from this angle it's easy to tell that there's a smirk on his lips. "I guess you'll just have to get in an' find out." He turns the up the cold water an inch so the temperature can mellow out for when Gabe gets in. Jarstin takes extremely hot showers like he's trying to burn off his tattoos. As some of the steam in the room starts to dissipate, Jarstin turns to face Gabe, letting the warm water hit his back directly while he lathers his front, his hair falling all over his face in loose wet curls.

Through the steam, Gabe can make out the smirk on Jarstin's face, and he steps over into the shower and closes the curtain behind him. For a few moments, Gabe just admires Jarstin's back. He's never fully gotten the chance to look at it like this, but he pays close attention to each intricate like that the ink gun made. Gabe's always been able to appreciate art, and that's exactly what Jarstin's back is a canvas for—art. He's about to reach out and touch it when Jarstin turns around to face him, his hand almost closing the space between them. Gabe's eyes look up from an ink covered chest to meet golden eyes that he's become very familiar with over the past few weeks, and he's even starting to understand how the richness of their hue corresponds to Jarstin's mood.

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