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When the meet-up first begins, AJ finds his way over to Starfox. Three weeks was enough time for him to feel like they'd fallen into their routine again, a routine he's missed dearly, more than he'd care to admit—even to himself. The emotions, the love that he has for Olivier, are still bubbling just beneath the surface. There's also something nice about it just being between the two of them, for now, not even Jarstin or Gabe are fully aware of what they're doing. That doesn't stop him from gently brushing against Starfox every chance that he gets though.

The last three weeks with AJ have made such an impression on Starfox too, he has always been a sweetheart, docile (unless he's strolling, or at a step show, or initiating people), pretty much unassuming if you take away how intimidating he looks physically. Being this close, this regular with AJ has him even softer around his edges than normal, his smiles are brighter, there's a more emotion in his irises. He's happy. AJ makes him so happy. One of the times that AJ brushes past him, he slick cops a feel of that ass.

Maybe if Gabriel hadn't been spending so much time with Jarstin these past few weeks, he would've done better than a 63 on his Organic Chemistry exam. Honesty though, it was much better than he thought he was going to do. And does he care right now? Of course not. He has the rest of the semester to worry about that, and all NPHC Greek organizations are meeting in the student union to advertise the block party they're having tonight.

Jarstin runs his hands through wet curls as he arrives, he'd taken a quick shower so he wouldn't smell like sardines after his work out, but didn't have the time to fully dry his hair before it was time to make his way over to the center.

Walking in, Gabe is immediately met with the sounds of music, laughter, and sea of every color that represents some part of the divine brotherhood and sisterhood. It's magical, like walking into Disney World for the very first time and watching the fireworks show. Ever since Gabe could remember, he's wanted that 'A Different World' experience—and he got it at Howard.

The Howard University Ques are the first chapter of the organization—the Mother Pearl, and Starfox represents that very well. For starters, you can't miss him, he basically towers over everyone else in the room. Jarstin moves towards him but doesn't even check to see if his path is clear before walking—and he bumps into someone on his way. "Aye, watch wher..." He peeps her face first, fly ass Delta—is she a freshman or has he really not been looking this whole time? Jarstin does a double take, but she doesn't even seem fazed, continuing to walk towards her sorors as if she hadn't even heard his almost smart remark. He drags his gaze from her back to his hulking president.

"Wassup, Starfox?"

The Omega president claps up his frat brother, but his voice is skeptical. "Static, you're late."

Jarstin rolls his eyes, pulling away from the half hug. "Nigga, I'm 5 minutes early!"

"If the rest of da bruhz beat you here then you're late."

"Yo, this a fraternity not the military."

Starfox looks Jarstin up and down, blinks at him pointedly. "My nigga, you're literally wearing camouflage right now."

Immediately, Gabe spots Starfox's tall figure, and it only takes him three more seconds to see the flash of blond hair that belongs to Jarstin. Gabe makes his way over to them, greeting with hand slaps, but Jarstin doesn't get the same treatment when he gets to him

Just as Jarstin is about to respond to Starfox, Gabe is appearing and dapping Starfox up, then he's got those brown eyes on Jarstin, and he's talking to him. His attention is successfully averted from his President as Gabe speaks.

"Jarstin, I sent you a Snapchat and you never opened it." Gabe says coolly, giving him a slight pat on the back before he makes his way over to the Kappas, knowing exactly the nature of the Snapchat and how it's not the safe for work image that Jarstin might be expecting.

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