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AJ is too damn high. The music sort of becomes lost in translation, but AJ can still feel the pulsating beat of the bass against his skin. Besides, it's hard to focus on anything when Starfox is around even when he's sober—so under the influence the taller male has his undivided attention. That doesn't mean he can't feel the music, can't rock his hips to the beat, rock against Starfox's strong body. AJ is automatically deep into it, the type of dancing that makes other people blush and hard as rock at the same time, he wasn't playing when he said he wanted to turn it into Freaknic.

They probably have that exact same definition of the word in their head, however, Jarstin's already disappearing from the moment in favor of helping Freddy out with getting him some condoms--which will surely come back to bite him in the ass later. It'll be fine though, Jarstin is a que. He likes getting bit in the ass as much as he enjoys delivering the bites. It's gonna be fine, right?

"Thanks for this bro. This fly ass AKA out here feenin'. And I see you out here with two different kinda redz."

Jarstin just licks his lips and rubs on his chest as niggas do, ego full. He watches Freddy stuff the mini stack into his back pocket and they slap hands. He follows him out, both boys returning to the party in the middle of some bass heavy, slow tempo sex song. His cocky smirk crawls right over his lips and he runs his hand over his beard before completing the descent of the stairs so he can find Gabe.

Even from floor level though, he can see AJ and Starfox in the epicenter of the sweaty, sexy mess and he watches just for a moment, how carefree those two black men look. It resembles a movie poster for one of those dance movies. It's a sepia scene, the crowd of people a moving blur around them, but those two are the only ones with clear detail, biceps flexed, bodies soaked in sweat against each other. Starfox not only has his hands curled around AJ's body, but his fingers are curling towards the insides of his thighs, and even from here, he can tell that they're both as hard as brick in their shorts. Yet, a flick of his eyes to their faces just look like...


It looks like they're in love. Jarstin never really quite grasped the magnitude of their relationship until now, and something like that--blame it on the liquor--has him stumbling back for a moment. Jarstin doesn't know the first thing about a true relationship first hand, but he knows that this one will have him coming back to meet up with all da bruhz so they can watch them kiss at the altar.

Jarstin bites his lip, shakes his head and then bitterly moves off to find Gabe.

-- -- --

Knees bent, Starfox is just as into it as AJ is, rolling his entire body as if they really are having sex. A slow gyration of hips, bodies pressed together with no space in between. Each dance move teeters on the edge of a stroke instead and their energy paired with the music is infectious. Everyone is feeling it, everyone is intoxicated and smiling and horny--the energy is wild, sparks are everywhere. That soaring feeling is coming back, and sure he's high, but he doesn't need weed to feel this, he doesn't even need the silence of the two of them alone, all he needs is AJ returning the energy he gives and he's happy. It shows in the smile that twitches at the corners of his lips, in the way he keeps AJ close like there will always be more room to pull him in even if there isn't, in the press of his lips anywhere they feel like meeting. Starfox squeezes both of AJ's thighs, keeping their beat as one song melds seamlessly into the next one.

"I love you."

AJ grinds back against Starfox, dick hard as rock. There's nothing like a Que party to bring out and everybody's inner freak, and Starfox just makes AJ horny in general. Everything the man does, truthfully. Be it dancing like they are now, or standing up in front of a crowd and addressing them with a strong, steady voice. Starfox is his favorite kryptonite.

I DON'T MEAN TO BUT I LOVE YOUWhere stories live. Discover now