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Shoes, socks, shirt, and pants fall off of his muscular body as AJ seeks the same comfort level that Starfox is at. The hand that doesn't keep the peas plastered to his face stretched across Starfox's stomach as he rolls onto his stomach, face finding Starfox's neck as he loses the bag of peas completely, discarding them on the bedside table. The tip of his fingers trace the outlines of muscle on Starfox's abdomen, lips poking out to press a soft kiss to his best friend's neck, and then he sighs softly in content—he's always perfectly happy when he's with Starfox, no matter what they're doing.

"Of course," AJ says with a soft scoff, feigning offense, like he would ever have a closed-mind. He genuinely thinks he's a very open-minded person. More open-minded than most people, sure, but that doesn't mean he's the most open-minded person. "You can always tell me anything, boo."

Starfox presses his lips to AJ's forehead. "Well, after Eden and Emmett miraculously pulled you into the house, Jarstin and I had a bit of a tizzy." He says, mentally projecting the scene onto the ceiling as he continues to look up at it. "I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and he pushed me back, but when he did I felt... shocked." He pauses to order his thoughts, then elaborates. "Not like surprised, but literally shocked. It was like that one time Azrael touched that broken extension cord in the garage and got shocked." He remembers the drive to the hospital too. His mom had cussed him and AJ out because they were supposed to be watching him but were too busy playing video games.

"And I looked at his eyes and I could've sworn I saw bolts of electricity in them. It sounds crazy, I know, but Jarstin has always had those anomalous eyes, but I just always thought it was like a birth defect or something. He was looking at me like he did it on purpose."

Is AJ still high? Is Starfox still high? Does shit like this actually happen? Is this the Matrix?

"Babe," AJ says, sitting up slightly so that he can look at Starfox's face, and he can tell that his boyfriend isn't lying. This actually happened to him. This is something that he actually experienced. Besides, Jarstin's eyes have been a cause of concern for AJ ever since he met the young whippersnapper. For the longest, AJ was sure they were contacts and Jarstin was just one of those weird ass niggas who thought he was a cat or some shit like that. Then, he realized that they were indeed real, and then he started fucking on Gabe and he wasn't so much worried about his eyes as he was the Omega adding Gabe to his lost list of ex-lovers. Fuck, why he out here quoting Taylor Swift in a third person inner soliloquy? "I believe you, but you sure it wasn't just like...static electricity or something?"

"I wish it was just static." He says, hoping he was just still a little high. "But it didn't feel like just a tiny shock, it felt like my entire body was on pins and needles. I know this sounds insane, but I don't think that he's fully human, or maybe he's more than. I don't know, but things like that just don't happen and I feel like I know what I saw... what I felt. Something is up with him, more than just his regular fuckboy antics." Starfox can't help but laugh, he sounds like one of those UFO conspiracy theorists. "He crossed the sands as Static Shock, but I just gave him that name because his eyes were yellow and his hair is crazy, but shit... I might have hit closer to home than I thought."

He sifts through his brothers' LB names, kissing his teeth. "I should check Freddy's room to make sure he doesn't have a glove with knives at the end of the fingers."

"Hey," AJ says, moving the hand that was resting on Starfox's chest up to his cheek, cradling it there as he looks down at his boyfriend. "I believe you, baby. I always knew it was something weird about that nigga, but the only way we gonna know is if we ask him." AJ says, wondering if Jarstin has made it back from his talk with Gabe yet, and that also makes him wonder how well that is going. Briefly, AJ imagines Jarstin walking in, nigga-schmoozing his way right into Gabe's bed, and Gabe clawing at Jarstin's back while falling deeper into that dark hole. Hopefully Gabe has more self-control than that.

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