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God is supposed to lead you down the path of righteousness. Sure, sex can be all the right you need it to be. There is nothing wrong with a little carnal desire, and it'd be blasphemy to say Jarstin doesn't have an affinity for carnal desire. There are things in the holy text that better describe Jarstin Forwood though, things that led Eve to eat the apple and things that led King David to cheat on his queen.

Can we just take a second to get into the irony of Gabriel being the son of a preacher? And that he's named after one of God's archangels? Who better for Jarstin to sink his fangs into?

Temptation. That's what Jarstin is to him, that's what Jarstin has always been to him, it's just in a much different form now. At first, Jarstin was the one who Gabe's girlfriend cheated on him with. Anytime Jarstin was around after that, Gabe was tempted to punch him in the face. Now, the tables have turned drastically, and Jarstin tempts him in a completely different way. In the back of Gabe's mind, he can hear his parents telling him to leave Jarstin alone, that the devil is personified and he's currently kissing Gabe deeply. But Jarstin isn't the devil? Right?

Jarstin reaches his foot back and kicks the door shut, locking everyone out of the room. He digs his fingers into Gabe's waist to pull him close and then goes right for the gold, his hands dipping past the waistband of his pants to find his entrance, toying with it while he deepens the kiss.

Gabe doesn't have long to think about it before those hands are finding his ass in the dark of the supply closet, going even farther and teasing his hole with his finger, making the smaller male moan as he reaches between their bodies to rub Jarstin's dick through the fabric of the camouflage pants, unzipping them and reaching inside to pull his length out, stroking him in his hand as his tongue licks deep into the Omega's mouth.

Sucking Gabe's tongue further into his mouth, Jarstin feels blood surge south and he can't help but let go of a shameless moan into the lust ladled lip lock, forcing the kiss to increase in sloppiness. His dick swells in Gabe's hand, growing until it cannot anymore, but throbs against his slow stroking fingers as if it wants to. The man grinds into it and pushes his own finger right past that restrictive ring of tight muscle, wishing it was his tongue opening up Gabe's saporous entrance, he's grown so accustomed to being near him in the past three weeks that it could very well be coming an addiction. He immerses his finger deeper into that familiar space, getting all the way down to the knuckle.

His freehand works in other places, nimbly breaking down the barriers that prevent him from getting to all the parts Jarstin wants to get to. He clears the fly of his pants, undoing the button and the zipper with deft hands and working his now loose pants down to pool at his ankles. And once those are out of the way, Gabe's underwear is the easiest part, they don't even put up a fight, quickly joining his pants.

-- -- --

AJ is too caught up in his own problems, too caught up in the way the light hits Starfox's face to even notice or care about what Gabe and Jarstin are about to get in to. If he had noticed though, he would've most definitely put a stop to it. Right now, though, he's focused on the matter at hand and the chiseled statue standing in front of him.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hol' up." AJ says, shaking his head, hair freshly braided, lining crisp, and fade impeccable. Just like the Alpha—Khalid, he wanted to make sure he looked as good as possible for Starfox, and he thinks about what he's going to have to wear to in case Khalid steps on the scene as his new competition. Hearing Starfox say they gotta stop smashing is what really strikes fear inside of his chest like a match. "I ain't mean to claim her though, bruh. Like...that shit just came out. Then I ain't wanna make her mo' mad by takin' it back, y'know? Now, i'on know if she think we together or what. I'm prolly 'bout to end up in her instagram bio next to the pink heart and that damn frog emoji."

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