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There are a lot of things that Jarstin doesn't expect to happen in the next 26 seconds.

The first thing is Gabe's flirty rebuttal—though he can't help but celebrate having cracked the Kappa's sturdy seeming resolve. Next. Travis actually coming to the party. He expected that their conversation successfully scared the little white boy off for the rest of the night. He didn't think he'd be seeing him for a while, especially after Gabe was so dismissive about his alleged 'boyfriend' when asked. Third. For him to get in his face. He figured that Travis had heard about Jarstin, he's got quite the bit of a hothead reputation on campus. So, he must be under the influence of something (molly, percs, embalming fluid...) to knowingly challenge he who should not be challenged. Shouldn't Travis be looking for somebody who's bite doesn't match their bark?

Jarstin starts laughing, because who the fuck does he think he is? Regardless of if Jarstin is fucking his boyfriend or not, it has never been wise to step to a man with creepy yellow eyes on some drunk insecurity bullshit.

But then... He feels like he just got socked with a #2 combo... because Travis—Travis (Travis) claims Gabe as his nigga AND calls him a faggot all in one tidy sentence.

Jarstin stops laughing, he opens his mouth to cuss Travis the fuck out, but then Gabe's voice is interfering. Which is good, because Jarstin was just about to tell him to get his man's before he gets his ass whooped. And then Travis makes the grave mistake of turning around and punching. Gabe. In. The. Jaw.

'Hell nah.'

It takes Gabe a few seconds to register what's happening. Only after falling back into the drink table, knocking cups off and getting some of the liquid on his clothes, does Gabe realize he's been punched. As soon as it dawns on him, the blinding pain in his jaw sets in, and Gabe reaches up to try to rub it away. Travis actually punched him. Anger and embarrassment consume the Kappa, and just when he's about to spring forward and knock the racist/homophobic shit that is Travis into next week, the next chain of events occurs.

I M M E D I A T E L Y Jarstin springs into action, nothing but white-hot fury surging into his veins, eyes going from agitating gold to terrifying neon yellow in seconds. He catches him off guard on the rebound from delivering that punch to Gabe. Jarstin's hands shoot out to grip the collar of the man's shirt and yank Travis towards him. At the same time he slams his forehead forward, completely throttling Travis' nose, bone sickeningly crunching on contact.

Fortunately for Travis, Starfox catches him after that, but he tries to fight through it, blind rage fueling him to break out of his grip. He tries to rip his president's hands from around his waist, but Starfox's grip is like titanium. Jarstin can only yell at Travis from the hold, bass in his voice thundering around the room as he continues to struggle his way out of Starfox's grip. "PUT YA HANDS ON HIM LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU FUCKIN' HONKEY! I DARE YOU! YOU'LL BE WALKING HOME WITCHA TEEF IN A LITTLE BAGGIE BITCH!!"

Everything happens lightning fast as Jarstin springs into action, and just when Gabe thought he would have to handle this lightweight himself, Jarstin has his hands on Travis and he's actually head-butting him in the face—the impact so loud that it echoes around the room... a crunch heard 'round the world.

Gabe contemplates pulling Jarstin off himself, but the sure stains on his blazer and shirt and the throbbing pain in his jaw where a bruise is already starting to form holds him back, just watching as the Que takes over. There is something satisfying about watching Jarstin beat the shit out of Travis, something sexy about it, and even though Gabe is mad as hell, he's still turned on by the fact that Jarstin is defending him.

AJ rushes over right behind Starfox, at first he thought the commotion was coming from Jarstin and Gabe fighting... again... but then he sees what's actually happening. AJ immediately puts Travis into a headlock, squeezing him hard enough to detriment his breathing, and holding him there as he struggles to get loose.

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