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The suckiest part about going to mixers like this is that he has to plaster on a nice face for all the stick-up-they-ass presidents of whatever ego-centric philanthropic organizations they like to 'humbly' take credit for. The best part is that he gets to dress up. Like those mysterious yellow eyes of his, Jarstin is flashy, he's big chains over clothes with crazy prints and grills on the bottom row of his teeth. Dons one single dangly earring that works well with the seamless meld of his ever-changing irises. He takes pride in the way he dresses; each piece having a purpose. He likes to garner lusty glances, jealous stares over the lids of drinks, knows his way around working a room full of people with just the right amount of effort.

Donning a gold pinstripe grid, navy blue suit over a white turtleneck and layered chains, Jarstin steps into the conference room--his focus piece are his red shoes that match the side accent on the slacks--and makes his way over to his big brother. Starfox sizes him up and makes sure he isn't wearing any letters before he finally smiles at him, clapping him up. "Look at that, you made it on time this time. Do that more often."

"Yeah, whatever." Jarstin replies, turning around to look about the room.

Starfox snickers, measuring Jarstin's scanning eyes. "Who are you looking for?"

"Nobody." Jarstin mumbles. As soon as he turns to go for a drink, he's interrupted by one of the oldheads. He fights the urge to roll his eyes. Here we go...

Gabe is late to the mixer, or later than AJ expected him to be. It's not entirely his fault, though, he couldn't decide on what to wear. All the while he was thinking about what Jarstin would think about what he was wearing. He wanted to look good. Attractive enough to pull Jarstin in even more—even if he still was technically with Travis. Not that Travis has been talking to him since he last saw him at the car wash, but Gabe isn't too bothered by that.

Gabe's style has always been seventies flare, he'd rather shop at vintage clothing stores than high end retail ones. Donning a cream colored turtle-neck and a burnt orange blazer and matching-colored pants that flare at the end, Gabe finally walks into the venue. Gabe too wears layered gold chains, his signature anchor and a smaller cross, and three rings on each hand.

"You're late." AJ says as he breezes past Gabe, carrying a portrait of their chapter's founders. Gabe falls into step next to him. "I know. I'm sorry. Car troubles." He lies, but AJ doesn't call him out on it. "Just smile and be polite, yeah?" AJ says, before hanging up the portrait and then walking off.

"Smile and be polite. Yeah." Gabe repeats under his breath, hands in his pockets as he scans the large room full of department heads, board members, deans, donors, the president of the university, and plenty of NPHC Greeks. Finally, his eyes find Jarstin—who is engaged with an old head—and Gabe knows exactly how annoying that can be.

Gabe walks over to them, clearing his throat to gain their attention. "Hi," Gabe says, smiling and being polite to the old head just like AJ told him to be, before turning to look at Jarstin. "Starfox is looking for you. Says he needs your help in the back." Of course it's a lie, but he's just trying to be friendly and help Jarstin out of a situation.

The venue starts to fill with people by the second, Greeks usually don't disappoint when it comes to body count, especially in such a big HBCU. Soon, people are bustling everywhere, smiling at each other over the rims of their drinks, tentatively carrying small glass looking plates of hors d'oeuvres. "I'll tell you like my big brother told me when I was your age, y'all are the future, get your education, graduate. If you spend your life fighting you will always be angry..." He turns his head as Gabe joins the two of them.

Jarstin feels relief crash over him, quickly nodding as soon as he starts speaking. He goes with the lie as if they'd planned and rehearsed it. "Ohh, that's right, I forgot ta set up one of tha banners. Lemme go do that real quick." He extends his hand out to the older man, flashing his smile as the man shakes it. "Thanks for the advice."

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