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With a roll of his eyes, Jarstin makes his way over to Gabe. He examines his outfit and chuckles. "We ain't even get back to my place and you already strippin'?"

Gabe turns his face up to look as Jarstin approaches him, already rolling his eyes playfully. "Nigga, who said anything about me getting naked at your place? Or even going to your place?" Gabe questions teasingly, his jaw now covered in a rapidly darkening purple bruise, but he doesn't pay the pain much attention. It's hard to pay attention to anything else when Jarstin is around. It's like the Kappa has tunnel vision, and the only thing he can focus on is the other male. It used to be in anger, but now it's in attraction and the best kind of mild annoyance. Gabe doesn't quite know what the future holds for the two of them, but he does know that things will always be interesting with Jarstin around. "But if this is your way of asking me to go back to your place with you, then I'm down." Gabe says with a smile, just as a clap of thunder booms through the building.

Jarstin makes an incredulous face in response to Gabe's words and then he draws his head back to further the effect.

Facts: Jarstin is pretty eccentric and charismatic. He always draws energy, whether it be negative or positive it will always be wild. He stands all in Gabe's personal space, letting his hands settle on his hips while his eyes flash. They jump from crystalline amethyst to striking electric yellow and then calm back down again—right before the flooding bass of the thunder that rumbles the building. Lightning always comes first. "You said that like we actually gotta go somewhere..." He mumbles, untucking Gabe's shirt. "... We could honestly get it poppin' right here."

That look was exactly what Gabe was hoping to draw from Jarstin, and he's mesmerized as his eyes flicker, seeming to match the growing storm outside. The hands are on his hips, and Gabe lets them linger there, his own arms crossed across his chest, one clutching the jacket that he had on earlier. For a moment, Gabe is still entranced, lost in Jarstin's eyes, his scent, the way he just commands the interaction between the two of them, and his shirt is fully untucked before he pushes Jarstin's hands back with a chuckle.

Even though he's pushing his hands away from his shirt, Gabe still gravitates closer to Jarstin, one hand on his chest and sliding up to his shoulder, the other tossing his jacket to the side. "You really have zero patience, don't you?" Gabe questions, the ghost of a smirk on his lips as he holds himself back from jumping Jarstin right there. Instead, he just tips up on his toes slightly so that his lips are a breath's width from Jarstin's lips, his brown eyes—now darkened with an insatiable desire for the other male—searches deep into the yellow ones.

"Yeah, cuz I been waiting too long to get you up outta them clothes." There are times where Jarstin likes to irk him, where he like to push Gabe's buttons to see how hard he'll push back, but Jarstin always gives off a sexual undertone whether Gabe knows that or not. But when the shorter man returns it? That's what he likes above all, when he gets the satisfaction of knowing that Gabe wants him just as bad as he wants Gabe, it lets him know he's played his game right. That he's earned his just desserts. But there's still a piece missing, there's still a part of this sexually charged puzzle that hasn't been put together—earlier when AJ blocked their first kiss...

The truth is that Gabe is just as desperate to see Jarstin naked as well, maybe even more so. The times he's seen Jarstin shirtless, at the car wash and making grimacing faces at Jarstin's Instagram posts before he accepted the fact that his hatred for the other male was just repressed attraction, were just purely teases for the real thing -- and finally he was going to see that real thing, he was going to be able to touch that real thing, and so much more. Though, Gabe would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, more nervous than the time he lost his virginity in fact (which had been in his father's pastor's study at their church, but that's a story for another day), because something about having sex with Jarstin spikes Gabe's anxiety.

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