author's note

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Soooooo here's the tea.

While this book is technically over, it isn't technically over. You see, we're still writing, but we're sort of caught up to where we are in terms of writing. What is currently part four has been through three different iterations before we finally (I think) settled on the one that we're currently working on now. You actually gets bits and pieces of the first two iterations throughout the last chapter and epilogue, and thankmelautner did a great job editing out the elements that we won't be bringing to least not yet anyway.

So, yes, this is it for I Don't Mean to But I Love You...for now. I don't know when we'll bring it back, or even if we'll bring it back. We're not in a hurry to write it, we never have been, we're both busy with school and muse does come and go in the middle of a pandemic.

We do love all of y'all though for reading and falling in love with these characters (except for Jarstin Hive, y'all on my shit list lmao). We've loved all of your comments and getting to interact with you guys, it's been thrilling to watch you get to know these characters and this world that we've been building for a little over a year and a half now.

We're going to keep writing because we can't leave these aggy ass niggas alone, and we hope that if we do decide to return with new chapters you guys will accept them with open arms just as you have these.

Thank you, stay safe and healthy, and goodbye.

For now.

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