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Keisha gets out of the car when Starfox opens the door, gathering herself before falling in line next to him. She waits until they're far enough away from the Jeep before she finally turns to look at him, hand on the doorknob of the front door, eyes turned up at him and slanted slightly. She stands that way for a moment silently, trying to figure out exactly how she wants to say when she has to say.

"You and AJ...y'all aren't just friends are you?" Keisha questions, and before she gives him time to answer she presents him with the facts.

Starfox takes a deep breath, holding her gaze. He figured that this topic of conversation would arrive here soon, and he had been hoping she would bring it up on their walk. "No." He says, sliding his hand down his mouth before dropping it to rest behind his back with the other one like an at ease soldier.

"I knew y'all had a real close relationship, but I just thought y'all were more like brothers. Tonight, though, I finally paid attention to the way he looks at you. He's never looked at me like that, hell I don't think he's ever looked at anyone like that. When you put your hand on his leg," she gives a small, breathy chuckle, "that really sold me on it then."

Her tone isn't accusatory. She's not angry. She is, however, still hurt that AJ doesn't feel the same way about her that she does about him. Really, she's just searching for answers, a reason to stop trying to make this work and move on.

"We've always been more than just friends, ever since we were in high school. He's been on a journey to really finding himself, to discovering who he is, I think pledging Kappa was integral, and you've been an important piece of that growth too. About what happened on stage--though I did not and would not ever do anything to disrespect the relationship you two had, I still feel in part responsible... I wish you two hadn't ended that way and for that I'm truly sorry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, too." Keisha says with a sigh, it was strange to hear Starfox talk about AJ like this. It's intense, that much is clear. Keisha—hell, everybody—has always known how good of a man that Starfox is. Now, though, now Keisha can truly see it for herself. "I'm sorry if I ever came between the two of you in any way."

"You don't have to apologize--don't ever apologize for loving somebody." He says, knowing good and well what it takes for those feelings to take hold. She should wear them proudly no matter what.

"I thought I loved AJ, but to hear you talk about love couldn't hold a candle to yours."

Starfox shifts his gaze to AJ and his entire demeanor softens. "Keisha, I love AJ with all I have, no doubts, no trepidation. I think about him all day, I dream about our future at night. I won't ever stop loving him." He doesn't realize that it's the first time he said that out loud until his breath catches. He returns his gaze to her, mouth closed but eyes still going as if he never stopped speaking.

But he's not ready for that yet, so I'll wait until he sees the AJ what I see--no matter how long it takes. I'll love in silence, be his rock, catch him every time he falls. I'll go to the end of the earth to make sure he's okay. I'll make sure he eats, and I'll happily take the scraps--because AJ is worth it.

Keisha offers Starfox a small smile, putting a hand on his arm and giving him a friendly, reassuring squeeze. "I can't speak for him, but I saw the way he looked at you tonight. Like you hold every answer to ever question there is in the universe. Like you're his sun, Starfox. He revolves around you."

"Thank you for making sure I got here safe. You're a good guy, Starfox." Keisha smiles at him one more time before waking into the AKA chapter house.

Starfox matches her smile and makes sure he hears the click of the clock before shifting his gaze out to the night and then heading back to the jeep. He closes the door and pulls the car back into drive, headed further down the street. "You want me to drop you off at yours or are you coming to the que house? We still need to talk."

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