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AJ doesn't have to be told twice.

AJ pulls back slightly, just so he can look down into Starfox's pretty brown eyes, he stays completely still for a few moments longer—because even though he's impatient, he's a sucker for the element of surprise—and then he quickly draws his hips back and slams right back inside of his man with a groan of pleasure. A smirk tugs at his lips, the light catching the dark bruise on his cheek now, and then he starts his rhythm—fast and unforgiving, strong powerful thrusts that sends the headboard right against the wall.

One of AJ's hands finds Starfox's throat, thick fingers wrapping around the column of his neck and squeezing, his jaw is clenched and his brows are furrowed together as he squeezes a little tighter and his thrusts become a little harder.

He's definitely fucking out his frustrations from early now.

Which is exactly what Starfox wants. He's the problem solver, the equalizer, always diffusing fights and stopping violence in its tracks wherever he can. But there's something about the aggression in AJ that gets him not just hot, but scorching. Something dark and twisted in him that likes to see his man get rowdy, with his squared back shoulders and his bowed up demeanor. Not that he will ever tell AJ how it affects him, he will always enjoy the sex more than he leads on.

Their eyes meet, and Starfox is having one of those signature moments where he feels like he can't breathe, because seriously? How does one man just exist to be this attractive? And then everything else from here on out is jumbled, because AJ's initial thrust scrambles his brain and now he wants the rest of those stokes to scramble his guts.

AJ thinks about the throb in his cheek that Jarstin left behind, or the hurt look on Gabe's face when he took him back to the Kappa house earlier, and he finds himself getting angry all over again. The fire of fury burning in the pit of his stomach and mixing with that inferno of desire and passion that he feels for Starfox, and all of those emotions create a conglomeration of pure unadulterated sex drive that sees AJ slamming his hips into Starfox even harder.

As the room flares up in heat around them, Starfox keeps his eyes directly on AJ's as his air supply is severely restricted. He's got a good little puddle of precum on his stomach where his dick lay, and every fuck of those powerful hips into him keeps his him in a state of ache. He reaches up and runs his thumb across AJ's pretty lips, smirking at him just as he marvels the man's face through his pleasured gaze. "Yes babe, beat these cheeks. Fuck me, daddy." He hisses, hollow squelching noises drowning in the baseline.

With each hollow squelching noise, every choked off moan that comes from the man beneath him, and every drag of his achingly hard dick in and out of Starfox's hot, wet heat, AJ can feel those frustrations slowly ebbing away. The next time he gets angry, he just needs to find Starfox, lay him out just like this, and fuck him until he feels okay again. The look in Starfox's eyes tells him that his lover might not be opposed to that ordeal.

AJ squeezes Starfox's throat just tight enough to completely cut off his air supply, but only for a few seconds before he completely releases him, dragging his hand down Starfox's chest and constricting abdomen, and giving his dick one teasing stroke. AJ digs deeper inside of his man, swiveling his hips to change his rhythm, slowing down for a few moments and just deep-fucking him, and then on the drop of a dime he's back to long-dicking him, pounding into Olivier with everything he's got.

"Yeah, take alla daddy's dick, boo."

One hand pushes Starfox's right thigh even wider, while the other slides down to the length of his left leg, grabbing his ankle, and pulling his foot up against AJ's stomach. AJ guides the foot over his sweaty body, his chest, and then finally up to his mouth. Long, thick tongue licks against the sole of his foot, and then it swirls around and between each toe, before he takes two inside of his mouth and sucks them with a moan.

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