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After finding and telling Keisha that he has other things to handle tonight besides her and her lasciviousness, AJ emerges from the back again, smiling as he sees Jarstin and Gabe talking. It's strange to see them getting along. He always knew in the back of his head that this was inevitably going to happen, he has a strong sense for sexual tension, mainly because he's just as lascivious as Keisha, but he hadn't expected it to happen this fast.

Starfox is scanning the room one more time just to make sure everything is completely in order as Jarstin finishes speaking with Gabe and comes up to him.

"Aye, Starfox..."

The Que president turns to Jarstin, sliding his phone back into his pocket. His eyes shift down to meet the yellow ones looking up at him. "What's up, Static?"

Jarstin shifts his eyes for a second and lets his hands link together in front of them. "Thanks for... havin' my back earlier. You always do."

Starfox looks Jarstin up and down and then softens his gaze, chuckling at the younger man. "Oh, shut up. I'm your brother—we all are, we have you covered when nobody else will. Period. Look at you, all gushy because you pulled Gabe."

Prevalent in the black male community, there's this myth that suggests that there is weakness in vulnerability, they see being true to your feelings and expressing them as soft and thus sissy and thus weak. But for Jarstin, it's exactly what he needs. It's the way that Starfox has learned to communicate with him. He doesn't call him weak; he encourages Jarstin to remember he has people behind him. He doesn't say his gushy feelings are a bad thing, just that Starfox knows them when he sees them—a reminder that it's okay to have and express them. He knows that all that Jarstin needs is a few sentences, his feelings vocalized and validated, and a comforting smile. Starfox gives him just that and for it, Jarstin will never not be grateful. He beams at him and slaps their hands together, yanking Jarstin into a tight hug.

"Gotdamn, why the fuck they name you Starfox when they should have named your ass the Hulk?!"

Starfox just laughs it off, pushing Jarstin away playfully. "Nigga, if you don't go on and get your boy!" And that's exactly what Jarstin goes to do. Starfox is just happy that he won the bet.

AJ walks over to Starfox, and tired of fucking around, he steps right up to him, mouth to the taller man's ears, and hand ghosting across the bulge that was going to be deep inside of him before the end of the night. "I told Keisha I couldn't beat her cheeks tonight because I was gonna be too busy getting my own beat." AJ says, lips brushing against the shell of Starfox's ears. "So, we gonna get in your car so I can suck your dick or are we gonna keep standing around here playing?" AJ questions seductively, biting down on his ear lobe before pulling back slightly to look into his eyes.

Starfox makes a surprised face, his eyebrows lifting at how forward AJ has become in his absence. Keisha must have riled him up or something before he returned, not that there's any complaining from his corner. AJ's hand ghosting over his bulge has his tongue slipping past his lips to wet the bottom one. He makes his dick jump so that it's length bumps AJ's hand through the barrier of his slacks. "You don't have to tell me twice." Starfox grabs AJ's hand and tugs him out of the room, slipping through the crack of the door just out of sight of Jarstin and Gabe.

As soon as they're out of the vicinity of the other two, who look like they're about to do the same thing, AJ can't keep his hands off of Starfox anymore. In the blink of an eye, he's touching the other male, lips moving along the taller guy's neck up to his lips, sealing the deal with a heated kiss of passion. AJ kicks the door to the building closed behind them, arms wrapping around Starfox's neck as he pulls the other even closer to him. The wind whips around them, lightning streaking across the sky. Fuck getting in the car right now, he just needed to feel those lips against his own, even if it is starting to rain around them. When there's another clap of thunder though, AJ finally pulls away with a smirk and a wink.

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