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Cheryl Blossom 🍒

hey heard you're finally back!

party at mine today at 4 pm. 🎉

you need to come! 😍

Ellie Specter

sure thanks for the invitation C ♥️

It was my first day back to Riverdale after our summer break. Alice had even made a cake for me to say welcome back. Betty, Jug, Archie and Veronica came over and invited me to spend the day with them but since I still had problems walking, I thought it wouldn't be the best idea to go swimming with them. Plus, they were going as two couples and I didn't want to feel lonely.

I hoped that Sweet Pea would be at Cheryl's party so I could talk to him. I just couldn't understand why he had promised me to be there for me but still left me alone for more than two months. I didn't think he meant it in a bad way. I thought that something probably was going on. He never messaged me back so maybe he was busy? Maybe his mom had a problem or someone else? Whatever happened, I hoped that he would talk to me about it today. I had bought him a new switchblade in New York after he had told me how his was broken. I wasn't there for him for three months now, that had to change.

I went to the party with Betty, she had to drive since I couldn't do that problem-free. Archie and Veronica were already there, they couldn't keep their hands off each other's body. Fangs was talking to a girl and seemed happy. Cheryl looked fabulous as always sitting with Toni. I wish I could have worn a bikini like she did or at least a skirt but I didn't want to show my bruises. Kevin and Moose laid in their chairs reading books. I didn't want to waste any time so I went straight to Sweet Pea who sat by the pool next to Josie, both had their legs in the water. I didn't know that they were friends? I mean, I was glad that he made friends on the Northside but it confused me. Especially Josie had prejudices against Southsiders. He hadn't seen me already so I walked around the pool so I could surprise him from behind.

„Josie, unbelievable but I'm really excited for school", I heard him chuckle when I stood behind them, wanted to wait until they've finished their conversation but he suddenly leaned over to be closer to her, „Especially because I can see you in the hallways every day."

What? He didn't do what I think he did, right?

„Sweet Pea, I've told you at the beginning, our summer affair is just that, an affair with a expiration date of three months. Don't you have a girlfriend still?", Josie just confirmed my theory.

„Yeah, I thought so", my mouth worked faster than my brain, both of them were staring at me now.

The gift I had brought for him accidentally slipped out of my hand and landed on the ground where I could see their fingers intertwining. He had really done it. He'd done what I never thought he would do. And I, as stupid as I am, tried to make myself believe he had problems which is why he couldn't visit me. But no, he had no problem. He had just cheated on me for the whole three months that I've been away after he promised me to not leave me alone.

„Ellie", both of them whispered but I already hobbled away.

Great, I couldn't even walk away fast. Josie went into another direction and Sweet Pea stood up, took the gift and followed me. Of course, he was faster, I couldn't just run away.

„Els, wait", he grabbed my arm, „Hey, I guess it hurts to walk fast."

It hurts to walk fast? Seriously? Of course, my whole fucking body still hurt! But what hurt more was the fact that I had trusted him and he had betrayed like that. Three months. That's the amount of time that I've been away. He didn't just wait, no, as soon as I was away he started going out with Josie. How heartless could he be? I wish I had the courage to just shout at him but I didn't want to ruin the party for everyone so I had to stay calm and live with it.

„Leave me alone, please. I'm begging you, okay, just take your hand away and let me go."

„No, Ellie, we-"

„What's going on between you?", Jug furrowed his brows but none of us answered, „Your business, sorry. Hey, the Ghoulies have Hotdog. The Serpents meet in the room over there. I'll help you walking."

„No, Jug, it's fine", I shook my head, „You two can go, I'll be there in a minute."

Luckily, Sweet Pea didn't seem like he wants to pick up a fight in front of Jug so they left together. I followed them slowly.

„Ellie, hey", Fangs smiled happily and hugged me tightly, I had missed him.

He had visited me every second weekend whenever he hadn't helped his mom. But did any of them know about Sweet Pea and Josie?

„Did you know about it?", I whispered so no one would hear us.

„About what?", he wondered raising an eyebrow.

„Sweet Pea and Josie."

„What about them? I.. Oh, you mean? Really?"

„I guess you didn't know then", I muttered.

If he didn't know it, then so did the others. Fangs was his best friend, he would be the first to find out about it.

„Ellie, I'm sorry, I'll-"

„No, don't talk to him. I'm not strong enough for a fight."

„Hey, Fangs, you're sure that it's Hotdog?", Jughead looked up to my friend.

„A hundred percent. They must have kidnapped him during the riot. He looked thin. I don't believe that the Ghoulies feed him enough."

„We can be glad that they don't roast him on the grill slowly", Sweet Pea's reaction to the dog was more emotionally than towards me.

I loved Hotdog. He was our gang's dog and a member just like us. But I couldn't take the pain anymore. Always smiling, never shouting, acting like the three months have made me healthy again just so my parents wouldn't be worried. I don't know for how long I could pretend to be fine.

„What are we going to do, Jughead?", Toni asked.

„We can't risk another gang war by passing the border. But no Serpent is left alone. That counts for Hotdog, too. We're going to bring him back tonight and we have to be fast."

„Jug, the last time you've set foot on Ghoulie territory, they've almost killed you and Ellie", Betty remembered us. Well, I could remember it all too well.

„This time, we're helping him", Cheryl promised.

„And we're fast, Betty. They won't even notice us."

„Okay, then I'm coming with you."


„I'm coming, too", I crossed my arms.

„No", Sweet Pea's done the same as Jug.

„Excuse me? I'm doing whatever I want and if anyone might have forgotten, I'm still leading this gang with Jughead. None of you is going to tell me what to do!"

The others looked surprised, none of them except for him, Fangs and I seemed to know what has happened. Cheryl whispered to Toni, „What did we do?"

„Probably just a fight between her and Pea."

„Okay, let's bring Hotdog home", Jug gave in.

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