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„Sweet Pea?", I shouted for the second time after I've knocked the door to his trailer already but he didn't respond.

„What do you want?", he hissed at me as soon as he opened the door.

„I want to apologize. I shouldn't have ran away without letting you know. It's just.. you were busy that day and we had to pack fast and couldn't tell anyone where we would go and-"

„And that's why you cheated on me with Andrews?", he scoffed ready to shut the door aggressively.

„How do you know that?", I whispered shocked.. Jug wouldn't have told him, would he?

„I got a message from Jones' phone-"

„Hey, do I see a happy comeback?", Jughead - as if someone had called him - walked by.

But he wouldn't do that, right? He had promised me to not talk about it. And why would he use his phone if that's how Hiram could find us? He's not that stupid..

„Fuck off, Jones!"

„Jug, why did you do that?", I asked him concerned.

„Why would he do that?", Sweet Pea mocked me, „Because you're a fucking cheater!"

„What? How does he know? And why would you think that I would do that? I promised you to not talk about it, Ellie", Jug furled his brows confused, his eyes went from Sweet Pea to me and back.

„Don't act so innocent, Jones. You were the one who sent me that picture and told me about it."

„I didn't use my phone all the time. I only gave it to JellyBean when she", Jug stopped himself, „But she wouldn't do that."

„Whoever told me was at least more mature than the one who had the guts to cheat."

„Sweet Pea, I actually came to talk to you and explain myself so can I please just do that?", I begged him but he was about to shut the door before I could come closer.

„You're a fucking hypocrite. I've asked you for a whole year if you had feelings for Archie fucking Andrews and you always denied it. You claimed that there were no feelings between you but you lied to me for a whole year. You already kissed him after you joined the Serpents and said it was nothing. And now I find out that you two were each other's firsts and already almost a couple by a Jones. It's a shame that I ignored Josie for a bitch like you."

„Hey, don't talk to her like that!", Jug yelled but Sweet Pea had already disappeared in his trailer so he turned to me, „I'm with you, El. He shouldn't have said that."

„I don't even know if it was the truth. I mean I really made a mistake."

Only two days after the town had been discharged from quarantine, we had to hold a Serpent meeting which Jughead and I led as the new leaders. Our dads, my mom and Betty were next to us to show us support and also Bonnie, Harry and Mikey were here since they were Serpents now, too.

„Okay, Serpents, we've heard that one of you has dealt with Fizzlerocks", Jug began seriously, „Serpents don't deal with drugs and from this moment we're all clean. We won't sell or consume drugs. We're not going to tolerate any kind of crime. Everyone who breaks our rules is going to leave forever. Got it?"

„Why don't ask your Ghoulies what they do", Sweet Pea mentioned hatefully.

„Hey, they're Serpents now. We're not prejudging anyone, we just remember everyone of the rules. And only because they were Ghoulies doesn't mean that they've dealt with drugs", I defended my friends who lived with me now.

„Of course you defend them as long as they can deal with your lies and betrayal", he hissed back.

My dad came back to the actual topic, „Sweet Pea, that's a warning. Those rules apply to everyone of you whether you're a Serpent by blood or a new member."

„I find it kind of weird that you two run away for weeks to go on a mission with your best friend - not to mention someone who cheated on their Serpent boyfriend - and now you're talking to us about responsibility?", Cheryl stood up.

Yes, the news had spread around. Not only my friends and family had found about my mistake also everyone else has, the whole town basically.

„We don't have any income", Fangs tried it in an understandable way, „Guys, how should we buy something to eat, how should we live?"

„We'll find a solution and come back to you, we'll come back to everyone. Until then, in unity, there is strength", FP managed the situation.


Polly said Fangs is the one who dealt with drugs

we'll meet at my trailer


I'm coming

„Fangs, if you don't have enough money, you could have talked to us", I sighed sadly.

I really didn't want to have to throw Fangs out. But he broke the rules. I could only hope that he had a good reason. After Sweet Pea's and my dispute, he was still my friend.

„We've been put under quarantine and I've needed money."

„Why don't you talk to me? Why do you even need the money?", FP asked.

Poor Fangs was about to cry, he had tears in his eyes, „My mom is ill. She needs a treatment which we can't pay for."

„You're like a brother to us, Fangs, we could have helped you", Jug returned frustrated.

„I was ashamed."

„That means you deal with Fizzlerocks.. Where did you get that from? From the Gargoyle gang?"

Fangs only nodded. I stood up to sit beside him and hug him from the side.

„But I don't do it anymore."

„The punishment when someone breaks the rules is the immediate exclusion."

„Jug, he's had a hard year", I spoke quietly, „We can't do that."

„Okay, fine. We turn a blind eye to this but you can't tell anyone about it, alright?", he gave in, „If I ever hear again that you deal-"

„You won't. That's it."

„Good", I sighed relieved but still worried about Fangs and his mom, „I'll tell my parents about it, they're going to support you, Fangs."

„Thanks, Ellie. That means a lot."

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